The 589 nm sodium laser in the NaRb molecule apparatus

Credit: Eric J. Meier

The potassium optical tweezer chamber showing magnetic field coils and high numerical aperture objectives

Credit: Jackson Ang’ong’a

View of the momentum-space lattice apparatus from the source chamber

Credit: L. Brian Stauffer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Close-up of the 589 nm sodium laser in the NaRb molecule apparatus

Credit: Eric J. Meier

View of the momentum-space lattice apparatus source chamber

Credit: L. Brian Stauffer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Welcome to the Gadway Lab at the University of Illinois!

Our group has broad interests in developing new experimental capabilities for the exploration of new physics, ranging from many-body quantum systems of atoms and molecules to classical mechanical metamaterials. Our efforts include more applied projects on quantum information science and quantum sensing as well as more fundamental projects aimed at exploring new physical phenomena.