This is a comprehensive list of courses that typically have a TA. The term offered, along with required duties are listed for each course. The TA Application will reflect the courses that are hiring TA’s for a specific term. Duties are subject to change based on course enrollment and needs.
Visit the Course Explorer to see time/day the courses are offered for the term you are applying.
How to Apply: An email will be sent the FSHN Grad Student Listserve each term. The email will include a link to the Teaching Assistantship Application for the next term.
- FSHN 481/FSHN 482
FSHN 101
The Science of Food
and How it Relates to You
- Instructor: Toni Gist
- Terms Offered: Fall and Spring
- The TA supports the asynchronous online learning experience. In addition to participating in weekly teaching team meetings.
- FSHN 101 is a general education science class with 200+ undergraduate students enrolled per semester both in person and online. The teaching team focus is to provide specific, meaningful, and personalized feedback to the students. The ability to read quickly and accurately, process, grade, and provide pointed guidance is needed for teaching team success.
- Grade experiential learning activities for 200+ students 4x during the semester
- Grade reflections (approximately half of the student submissions)
- Create unique learning modules for a digital e-text publication to be used for future semesters
- Aid in the writing, digital publication, grading and proctoring of select exams and/or makeup materials
- Attend a minimum of one lecture per week assisting with zoom setup, attendance, polling, and replying to questions in the chat
- Host a minimum of two office hours per week
- Attend a weekly team teaching meeting
- Other duties agreed upon by the TA and instructor that would aid in professional development of the TA
FSHN 120
Contemporary Nutrition
- Instructor: Toni Gist
- Terms Offered: Fall and Spring
- FSHN 120 is a general education science class with 750-800 undergraduate students enrolled per semester. The teaching team focus is to provide specific, meaningful, and personalized feedback to the students. The ability to quickly and accurately read, process, grade, and provide pointed guidance is needed for teaching team success.
- Grade essay-based questions for the student Dietary Analysis midterm project for ~200 students per week
- Aid in the writing, digital publication, grading, and proctoring of select exams and/or makeup materials
- Attend a minimum of one lecture per week, assist with classroom setup, manage attendance points, and reply to questions in the online course discussions
- Host a minimum of two office hours per week
- Other duties agreed upon by the TA and instructor that would aid in professional development of the TA
FSHN 175
Science of Fermented Foods
- Instructor: Dr. Michael Miller
- Terms Offered: Fall and Spring
- The TA supports the asynchronous online learning experience.
- Manage student inquiries
- Manage weekly quizzes
- Grade weekly discussion posts
- Grade fermentation project reports
FSHN 201
Math for Food Science
- Instructor: Dr. Pawan Takhar
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Email responder to students’ questions about solution of problems, logistics, etc.
- Grade quizzes, assignments and exams and manage grade sheets for the students
- Hold weekly sessions to help students in solving the problems
- Provide troubleshooting help to students’ problems
- Manage online course website
- Provide technology support to students
FSHN 220
Principles of Nutrition
- Instructor: Dr. William Helferich
- Terms Offered: Fall
- Attends all classes and sets up the classroom for each lecture
- Establishes, updates, and manages the Canvas website
- Holds office hours each week
- Keeps class list and grades for the semester
- Meet with students whenever the professor can’t
- Organizing the discussions for the whole class for the semester
- Lead discussions whenever discussion leader can’t
- Sets up agenda of discussions in collaboration with discussion leaders
- Organizes bimonthly meetings with discussion leaders and their ICES evaluations
- Prepares a review sheet and holds review session before each of four exams
- Assist with exam and assignment grading, proctoring, brings the scantrons to be graded, handles error sheet generation
- Maintains class list and harmonize grades from lecture and discussion
- On average 10-12 hours per week is required
FSHN 232
Science of Food Preparation
- Instructor: Dr. Sihui Ma
- Terms Offered: Fall and Spring
- Preferred qualifications: Available to work for this position for at least one academic year. Students who took this class before or students with rich culinary and Food Chemistry experience are encouraged to apply.
- Attend all lab sessions and help students as needed
- Lead one course aid on the sample preparation for the sensory evaluation lab
- Host office hours for one hour per week (preferably on Fridays; either in-person or virtual)
- Grade assignment and provide feedback to the instructor and students
- Optional: depends on your specialty and interest, I am happy to work with you to develop or revise one module in the class (lecture and lab).
FSHN 302
Sensory Evaluation of Foods
- Instructor: TBD
- Terms Offered: Fall
- Prepare lab materials according to the lesson plans
- Prepare lecture demonstrations according to the lesson plans
- Lead lab discussions
- Manage students during the labs
- Interact with students during office hours
- Attend lectures
- Grade Lab Reports
- Grade Exams with key provided by the instructor
- Grade extra credit assignments and group project assignments with key provided by the instructor
- Approximate hours spent per TA per week is 10 – 15 hours
FSHN 416
Food Chemistry lab
- Instructor: Dr. Elivira de Mejia
- Terms Offered: Fall
- assist with laboratory sessions weekly: TU or TH, 2:00-5:50 pm.
- prepare reagents weekly: TU or TH, 11-1 pm.
- calibrate equipment weekly: TU and TH, 10-11 am.
- make sure the laboratory is clean and organized: TU or TH, 9-10 am.
- assist grading quizzes: W, 9-10 am.
- assist grading Lab Reports
FSHN 418
Food Analysis
- Instructor: Dr. Keith Cadwallader
- Terms Offered: Spring
- TAs will be responsible for preparation of reagents and monitoring of laboratory activities.
- Additional responsibilities include development and grading of pre-lab quizzes and assisting instructor with grading of laboratory reports.
- TAs will spend about 15-18 hours per week on fulfilling class/laboratory responsibilities.
FSHN 429/FSHN 459
Nutrition assessment & therapy
Nutrition Focused Physical Assessment
- Instructors: Dr. Jessica Madson and Jennifer Burton
- Terms Offered: Spring
- TA will be shared between two courses.
- Attend course lectures and help facilitate class activities and discussions
- Collaborate with instructors to create and disseminate the course syllabi, quizzes, assignments, grading rubrics, and exams
- Grade student exams, quizzes, and assignments
- Manage course websites: create and evaluate assignments; post lecture materials; manage grade books, and course announcements; facilitate discussion on the discussion boards
- Hold office hours
- Answer student emails
- Other duties as mutually agreed upon by instructors and TA
- A total of 10 hrs. per week
FSHN 466
Food Product Development
- Instructor: Dr. Dawn Bohn
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Attends all lectures and discussion sections
- Attends and manages assigned laboratory section
- Assists teams with problem solving, risk assessment, and ingredient exploration
- Presents laboratory instructions
- Meets with assigned teams on a weekly basis
- Attends weekly teaching staff meetings and assists with course improvements
- Grades all assignments for laboratory teams
- Creates grocery shopping list
- Organizes delivered groceries
- Assists with the facilitation of full day events (final examination preparation, presentation, evaluation, and clean-up)
- On average, each TA supports the course and students approximately 20 hrs a week in and out of class (lecture and lab)
FSHN 471
Food & Industrial Microbiology
- Instructor: Dr. Michael Miller
- Terms Offered: Spring
- maintain office hours
- hold a review session prior to each exam
- manage weekly quizzes on canvas
- participate in the writing and grading of exams, attend all class meetings
- present 1-2 lectures
FSHN 472
Applied Food Microbiology
- Instructor: Dr. Matt Stasiewicz
- Terms Offered: Spring
- Lab preparation: assist with planning lab sessions, ordering chemicals and supplies, preparing media and/or samples, and preparing the lab room.
- Lab sessions: demonstrate microbial technique, monitor student safety during lab sessions, work with students on proper technique.
- Lab follow up: assist with lab clean up and waste processing, monitor multi-session lab experiments.
- Grading: grade 1/3 of the lab reports and worksheets turned in by each student (approx. 6 labs require reports, 7 require worksheets)
FSHN 481/482
Food Processing Unit Operations I
Lecture and lab
- Will TA both FSHN 481 and FSHN 482
- Instructor 481: Dr. Ozturk
- Terms Offered: Spring, First 8 week course
- Attend lectures if not familiar with the course material
- Updates and manages the Canvas website
- Grades all written assignments
- Grades quizzes
- Meet with students whenever the professor can’t
- Hold office hours before assignment turn-ins and exams
- Instructor 482: Dr. Ozturk
- Terms Offered: Spring, Second 8 week course
- Prepare lab materials equipment according to the laboratory plans
- Work with the pilot plant staffs and another TA for the lab preparation
- Manage students during the labs in the pilot plant and analytical labs
- Communicate with students for questions related the lab contents and reports.
- Grade Lab Reports – Split the grading between two TAs
- Grade quizzes/lab questions