FSHN 597 is the Food Science and Human Nutrition Seminar Class. FSHN PhD students are required to have a public defense as part of FSHN 597. FSHN MS students are not required to have a public defense.
- Content
- Consult with your PI the expectations of your defense and content.
- Time
- Should not be longer than 45 minutes so that there is time for questions. It is okay to be shorter.
- Practice
- Find a friend to present to that will give honest feedback
- Using Zoom? Practice setting up Zoom and make sure the video and sound settings all work as expected.
- Using Zoom?
- Two Zoom links should be created
- Student will create Zoom link for Public Defense portion
- Committee Chair should create Zoom link for Committee/Student private discussion after public defense.
- It is best for the Chair to be the host so that they can move the student to a breakout room if needed.
- Two Zoom links should be created
- Registration
- Don’t forget to register for 1 credit in the term you defend
- Announcement
- Update this template and send to Audra at mart@illinois.edu at least one week prior to date
- Public Defense Announcement Template (power point file)
- If you have problems updating the template, send the following information to Audra at mart@illinois.edu at least one week prior to date
- Name preferred to be used on Announcement
- Picture (if not picture provided, FSHN Grad picture will be used)
- PhD Candidate or MS student
- Advisor name
- Title of Thesis
- Date
- Time
- Location
- Update this template and send to Audra at mart@illinois.edu at least one week prior to date