Advisory Committee
- About mid way through your first term , you should choose your advisory committee. The advisory committee is composed of at least three members of the Illinois Graduate Faculty, at
least one of whom must be from an area of specialization other than the student’s (Appendix 5). For MS advisory committees, the advisor may serve as chair. For PhD advisory committees,
the advisor may not serve as chair.
Exam Notification
- Fill out this form at least two weeks prior to your exam date. Please find more information about exams here.
FSHN Required Course Substitution Form
- This form is used to request substitutions of a required course. Requests to make a substitution for a required course should be made prior to enrolling in the alternative course; having completed the alternative course does not assure approval. The Department does not waive total hours required in a degree program. If the substituted course does not carry as many hours as the required course, students are expected to take additional coursework to make up the deficit.
Admission to the PhD Program
- Use this form to request to by-pass the MS degree or to request admission to the PhD program after receiving a MS degree from FSHN.
Co-Advisor Request
Change of Advisor
- Use this form to change advisors for any reason. If you are not comfortable discussing the details with your current advisor directly, please reach out to Dr. Miller or Dr. Engeseth to discuss.