Graduate College Resources: Thesis & Dissertation Process and deposit information
MS Defense (thesis)
- MS students are not required to have a public defense.
- You are responsible for scheduling the room and equipment. See Reserving Rooms
- Work directly with Advisory Committee to determine defense date and time.
- See Graduate College Academic Calendar for deadlines
- MS exam deadline is anytime prior to deposit deadline
- See Graduate College Academic Calendar for deadlines
- You are required to fill out an Exam Notification Form and submit to Becca Snook via email at
- Committee consists of at least three members of the graduate faculty; at least one must be from an area of specialization other than the student (Appendix 5 in FSHN grad student handbook). Advisor is typically chair.
- Student must contact the department thesis format checkers directly to schedule their thesis check.
- Current department thesis checkers: Dr. Matthew Stasiewicz and Dr. Hong Chen
- Once Exam Notification Form is approved, Becca will send the MS Exam Result form and the Thesis Approval Form (TDA) to your committee chair.
- Forms are sent via Adobe Sign, once chair signs, the form will route to remaining committee members.
- After student has thesis format approved, thesis format checker will email Becca the approval. I will then upload the Thesis Approval Form (TDA) to the Graduate College. This will allow you to proceed with your deposit.
- Registration Requirements:
- MS students are not required to register during the term in which they defend or deposit
- Deposit Information:
- Thesis Resources:
- Thesis department checker will email Becca with format approval
- Becca will upload TDA form to Grad College and email student once complete
- Do not deposit until Becca has confirmed the TDA is uploaded
MS Final (non-thesis)
- Human Nutrition and Clinical and Community Nutrition Concentrations will complete a Final Case Study Presentation
- View step-by-step guidelines and Faculty Evaluation Tool here: Final Case Study
PhD Qualifying Exam
- Work directly with your Qual Committee to determine exam date and time.
- You are responsible for scheduling the room. See Reserving Rooms
- You are required to notify the department by filling out the Exam Notification Form – Department Form that needs signed by advisor.
- Submit to Becca Snook via email at
- Committee consists of at least three members of the FSHN faculty
- at least three areas of specialization must be represented (Appendix 5 in FSHN grad student handbook)
- Advisor/co-advisor may or may not be a member of the committee, but cannot serve as chair. If the advisor/co-advisor is a committee member, a 4th or 5th committee member must be named
- Once Exam Notification Form is approved by the department head, Becca will send the Qualifying Warrant form to your committee via Adobe Sign.
- Form is sent via Adobe Sign, once chair signs, the form will route to remaining committee members.
- Qual exam is a department requirement and results are not submitted to the Graduate College.
PhD Preliminary Exam
- Work directly with your Advisory Committee to determine exam date and time.
- You are responsible for scheduling the room. See Reserving Rooms
- If exam is via Zoom, check with Committee Chair to see if they prefer to set up the Zoom meeting.
- You are required to fill out a Preliminary Exam Request via the Graduate College Student Portal. They request 3 week notice.
- Committee consists of at least 4 voting members
- at least three must be members of the graduate faculty
- at least two must be tenured
- and at least one must be in an area of specialization other than the student (Appendix 5 in FSHN grad student handbook).
- Advisor cannot serve as chair.
- You will receive an approval email from the Grad College with an exam result form.
- Becca will download the PER form and send via Adobe Sign to committee chair, once chair signs, the form will route to remaining committee members.
- Once form is completely signed, Becca will upload to the Grad College.
- Committee consists of at least 4 voting members
- Registration Requirements:
- PHD students must be registered in the term they take their preliminary exam
PhD Defense
- PHD students are required to have a public defense. This will take place as a FSHN 597 seminar. See FSHN Public Defense for more directions.
- You are responsible for scheduling the room and equipment. See Reserving Rooms
- Work directly with your Advisory Committee to determine defense date and time.
- See Graduate College Academic Calendar for Defense Exam and deposit deadlines
- You are required to fill out a Final Exam Request via the Graduate College Student Portal. They request 3 week notice.
- Committee consists of at least 4 voting members
- at least three must be members of the graduate faculty
- at least two must be tenured
- and at least one must be in an area of specialization other than the student (Appendix 5 in FSHN grad student handbook).
- Advisor cannot serve as chair.
- If you did not fill out the form before your exam, contact Becca Snook prior to filling out the Final Exam Request
- Committee consists of at least 4 voting members
- Student will receive defense exam committee approval email directly from Graduate College with access to your exam forms.
- Becca will send the FER and TDA forms via Adobe Sign to committee chair, once chair signs, the forms will route to remaining committee members.
- Once forms are completely signed:
- Final Exam Result Form (FER) will be uploaded to Grad College immediately.
- Thesis/Dissertation Approval (TDA) will be uploaded to Grad College after Becca receives final approval from department thesis checker.
- Student must contact the department thesis checkers directly to schedule their thesis check.
- Current department thesis checkers: Dr. Matthew Stasiewicz and Dr. Hong Chen
- Registration Requirements:
- PHD students must be registered in the term they defend
- PHD students are required to register for 1 credit in FSHN 597 in term they defend.
- PHD students are not required to be registered in the term they deposit
- Deposit Information:
- Thesis Resources:
- Thesis department checker will email Becca with format approval
- Becca will upload TDA form to Grad College and email student once complete
- Do not deposit until Becca has confirmed the TDA is uploaded