One of my favorite ways to wind-down after a long week is with a nice, 15-20 minute face mask. It’s one of those easy activities that makes you feel good because you’re doing something nice for your mindset and your body through making time for yourself AND doing your skin a favor!
Face masks are also something I’ve done a lot of experimenting with, since there are a wide variety to choose from. And, depending on what you want your skin to physically get out of the experience, it’s a good to have a general intention with your face mask practice going into it.
I wouldn’t have enough space in one post to talk about every face mask I’ve ever tried, especially between homemade and store-bought kinds. So here I’ve picked a few purchased masks that I’ve tried out to share my thoughts with all of you, hopefully to make the selection process easier for you the next time you’re looking for a treat at the end of a long week.
Image courtesy of…ent-Oil-Control/dp/B071WBXXSR
The Charcoal Mask (“Detoxifying”)
This one was all over the internet for a long time, so obviously I had to give it a shot! I tried the Cidbest Suction Black Mask. The hype around this mask was that it would actually rip the dirt that causes blackheads out from pores, and this concept made for really crazy looking videos that became crazy popular on Facebook and Instagram.
My overall opinion of this mask was confused. I thought it looked cool to have on, and it’s definitely a mess-free experience since this is a peel-off mask that dries glossy and smooth. I didn’t get the insane cleaning results promised in the viral videos, which I didn’t totally mind since I care more about the feeling of having a face-mask on. Sometimes just having one on makes you feel like you’re doing something good for your skin, and I’ve found this placebo effect to be pretty effective for maintaining a clear complexion.
My other issue with the mask was that, though having it on was a cool experience, taking it off was physically painful. Peel-off masks cling to your skin pretty tight, but it’s my understanding that I’m not alone in comparing taking this mask off to waxing. It’s not the most comfortable experience, but definitely a way to hit two birds with one stone if you’re thinking about kind of clearing your skin and DEFINITELY removing any hair on your face!
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The Dead Sea Mud Mask (“Nourishing”)
This one actually came in a really big container, and I have to say I’m not disappointed! I’ve used my Anjou Dead Sea Mud Mask almost every week for the last year, and I really enjoy the experience every time I use it.
The only thing to get over about this mask is that there aren’t any fancy floral smells that accompany it. It doesn’t smell bad, but it doesn’t smell glorious either. It just kind of smells like a face cream. The good news about it this is that I totally believe the claim that they do not put any artificial scents into their masks, which is a plus when it comes to trying to maintain a mostly nature beauty routine.
Smells aside, this mask is very rich and creamy to apply, which I love. It’s not a peel-off, so it’s very gentle on your skin and doesn’t leave any bizarre residues after you take it off. These masks tend to fall under the “nourishing” category of face masks, and this one always leaves me feeling exactly that! There are also lots of fabulous brands out there to experiment with, and all with very consistent skincare benefits!
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The Cucumber Mask (“Calming”)
Finally, I’ve tried the Yes To Cucumber Calming Sheet Mask a few times, and overall it’s a fun mask to change things up every once in a while. I like the way it smells, but while the scent that accompanies it is pleasant, it’s also very strong. The strength of the smell can be a little overwhelming, which is why it’s not a regular part of my skincare routine.
Otherwise, this mask was great to use right before bed. Sheet masks tend to be damp and leave a shiny, sticky residue on your face, and this mask is no different. If you let the residue sit on your face overnight, though, you wake up the next morning feeling like a princess. By the next day the smell is also just a lingering scent, which is much more manageable and very calming to experience throughout the day.