The Financial Planning Program at Illinois is excited to provide the public with resources and opportunities for continued education.
Public Courses
We have opened several of our courses available to University of Illinois students to be offered to the public. Learn more about popular topics in the financial planning world alongside our faculty and staff.

Women, Money & Power
Dive into this course designed to empower women both financially and in the workforce.

AI in Wealth Management & Financial Planning
Learn more about artificial intelligence and machine learning in the worlds of wealth management and financial planning.
AFFP Designation
The Agriculture Focused Financial Planning designation (AFFP) provides financial service professionals with a body of knowledge to better serve the financial needs and goals of clients associated with agriculture or living in rural communities.
The Financial Planning Program offers several e-textbook. These products are designed to be of use in the classroom, for new advisers, or for your client. They include thoughtfully created lessons you can take anywhere, with text, knowledge checks, and keywords. Our eText works across platforms and is accessible – students can take notes, flag content, and return to favorite sections.