Reflection of Critical Response 2

Critical Response #2 is a summary and response to Lamott, Adler, and Bradbury. These writers are very knowledgeable about how to become a better writer. When I first wrote my Critical Response, I had many grammatical errors and incorrect word choice or diction. This made my writing more concise as I also deleted any expletive writing (which I was not aware of until the previous unit in Rhetoric 105). I tend to look up words in the thesaurus and then incorrectly use them in a sentence. Lamott, Adler, and Bradbury agree that the most intelligent writers are also the most simple. When I revised my Critical Response, I wrote more simple and concise. I use the advice Lamott, Adler, and Bradbury gave in their writing for my own writing. I like how they described good writing as being the most simple and concise. I have taken their advice and cut out unnecessary wording from my writing and learned to make my writing more clear and concise.