Reflection of Critical Response 1

Critical Response I is about “fake news” and how it is mistaken for real news. Because this response was written in the beginning of the semester, I have learned so much more that has helped me revise this assignment. Learning about passive voice and expletives helped make my writing more concise. Professor Hays’ grading always helps when I have to revise my assignments, as well as the writing workshops for my child’s drafts. Thinking about what the reader would think while reading my writing is a significant way to make sure there are no unanswered questions. For example, I said that “fake news” creates tension and divide but didn’t explain why. I revised the sentence and explained that “fake news” intentionally creates news that instigates issues in our society. In addition, I added a works cited page and cited paraphrases and direct quotes. From my own research on “fake news”, I learned that “fake news” is a significant issue in the media and creates tension between social contemporary issues. I also learned that “fake news” is different from satire.

[Picture taken from Google images]