Reflection on Essay I

[Picture taken from Google Images]

 While revising Essay I, I carefully read through Professor Hays’ comments and critiques on my final draft. Because this essay was written before I learned about properly citing sources and paraphrasing, I revised my essay and properly cited paraphrases and direct quotes. When I first gathered the articles for my essay, I confused satire for “fake news”. This mistake led me to contradict myself throughout my essay, which I revised by distinguishing satire from “fake news”. Overall, the critiques of the final draft of my essay led me to acknowledge satire as bringing attention to contemporary issues in society.   In addition, I made sure to correct grammatical errors and punctuation. In order to meet the page number requirement, I found myself repeating words and ideas. I deleted repetitive words and sentences to make my writing more clear and concise. The assignment also allowed me to become more informed about rhetorical appeal and introduced ways to analyze writing and research. Ethos, Pathos, and Logos allowed me to more easily write my first essay, and I still refer back to these appeals for all of my writing and research.