arts and culture career fair is now a panel!
This year’s Arts and Culture Fair has adapted and is an online panel this week:
vandervelde downs: fiction speckled with european history:
In this Brown Bag lecture, Brett Ashley Kaplan, Director of the Initiative in Holocaust, Genocide, Memory Studies and Professor of Comparative and World Literature, will speak about the process of switching from academic to fictional writing in middle age and then briefly read from her two novels in progress. Dr. Kaplan publishes in Ha’aretz, The Conversation, Asitoughttobe, AJS Perspectives, Contemporary Literature, and The Jewish Review of Books; she is the author of Unwanted Beauty, Landscapes of Holocaust Postmemory, and Jewish Anxiety and the Novels of Philip Roth. She is currently working on two novels: Vandervelde Downs and Rare Stuff.
During the Second World War, the Nazi regime looted hundreds of thousands of art objects, many of which were stored in myriad places all over Europe—tunnels, castles, hovels, you name it. Vandervelde Downs and Rare Stuff touch upon these vast unethical and often unresolved thefts.
This event will be held on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 813 1848 6063
Password: 272447
Research Support Grant (RSG):
The Office of Undergraduate Research invites applications for its Spring 2021 Research Support Grant competition. This grant provides students from all disciplines with the funds necessary to conduct research or creative projects during the academic year both on and off campus (including summer terms). Awards will be up to $2,000 and are meant to cover research travel costs, living expenses incurred during academic breaks (i.e., winter break and summer terms, NOT regular semester living expenses), and materials or other ancillary costs. For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:
The deadline for applications is March 17, 2021 at 11:59 p.m. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at
Conference Travel Grant (CTG):
The Office of Undergraduate Research invites applications for its Spring 2021 Conference Travel Grant competition. This grant provides undergraduate students with awards of up to $350 to subsidize costs associated with presenting their research posters, papers, or creative works at in-person and virtual professional conferences. Please note, the Office of Undergraduate Research does not provide funds for conference attendance only; grants are meant for students who will present their work. For details, eligibility requirements, and link to the application please visit:
The deadline for applications is March 1, 2021 at 11:59pm. If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Office of Undergraduate Research at
Colors of Faith:
If you are interested in diversity and inclusion, dancing for fun, and learning about other faiths, then Colors of Faith hopes to have you! Colors of Faith is an interfaith dance team that celebrates religious diversity and unity through their art. They dance to devotional and cultural songs of various religions. Having danced to Jewish, Sikh, Christian, and Hindu songs in the past, they hope to continue their celebration of faith as they grow. Students and community members of all identities are welcome! No prior dance experience is required to join.
Virtual clinics will be on Thursday, February 11 from 9-10pm CST. During clinics, you will have a chance to learn the dance and meet the current team members! RSVP for clinics at
Colors of Faith is recruiting for spring 2021!
Send audition video to by
Sunday, Feb 14 / 11:59 pm CST
Environment Leadership Program:
The Environmental Leadership Program (ELP) is a new initiative launched this spring by the Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE). Targeted at undergraduate students, the Program will include pre-professional workshops, field trips, and networking opportunities.
iSEE is piloting two ELP workshops in Spring 2021: March 24 on environmental policy; and April 13 on corporate sustainability. Up to 25 students may register for each event, which are scheduled on campus non-instructional break days.
These workshops will allow students to develop their sustainability leadership and communication skills, to learn about relevant career paths in sustainability, and to establish valuable networking connections. Successful professionals in the environmental policy and corporate sustainability fields will lead the sessions.
More details will be forthcoming on the workshops, but registration is now open. Visit the Program page for more information and for links to register! >>>
Career Readiness:
One micro goal you might set this semester is to attend a career fair simply to get experience meeting with employers. Set your account up in Handshake and join a Life + Career Design Community to join like-minded students in reaching that goal!
Gilman International Scholarship Information Session and Writing Workshop:
The Gilman International Scholarship Program is a need-based award for students pursuing study abroad opportunities. The National and International Scholarships Program is offering a writing workshop for which you can register here.
Today, Friday, Feb. 5, 3pm, via Zoom!
Undergraduate Research Workshop:
Next week the Office of Undergraduate Research will host online workshops including their popular “Value of Undergraduate Research” (why you should participate) and “Getting Started in Undergraduate Research” (how to find opportunities and identify/contact a mentor). You are encouraged to take advantage of the resources offered by them. You can find more information about the workshops here
Need to Meet with an LAS Advisor?
To contact a college-level advisor, use the online chat, online advising appointment calendar and queue, and online forms for program change requests.
Find a list of unit and college advisors along with hours and contact information on the college website.
Summer Institute for Languages of the Muslim World (SILMW):
The Summer Institute for Languages of the Muslim World (SILMW) is an annual intensive language program at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. This summer SILMW will take place from June 14 to August 7, 2021, and will be offering Arabic, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, and Wolof. These languages can assist students in securing international positions in governmental, development, and academic sectors. The program is 8 weeks and is divided into two, 4-week semesters. This is an immersive experience, complete with instruction, cultural activities, opportunities for language practice, conversation tables, cooking classes, movie nights, and more!
When you complete the program, not only will you be able to hold a conversation in a new language and have earned up to 10 credits.
The following selected web pages might be of interest to you, should you want to learn more about the program:
Prospective Students
Frequently Asked Questions
Summer 2021 General Schedule
Summer 2021 Activities Schedule
For more general information, visit the website If you have any questions, feel free to contact the SILMW at
Winner of the Kevin T. Early Memorial Scholarship:
The winner of the 2020-2021 Kevin T. Early Memorial Scholarship is Amara Bivins. This scholarship is made possible from an endowment by William and Donna Early in memory of their son, a poet, Kevin T. Early. It awards $2000 to a student with freshman standing at UIUC for the 2020-2021 school year.
English faculty judges had this to say about Amara’s poetry:
“These poems stood out for their strong argument, urgency of their stakes, and for the clarity of their composition. This is a talented young poet who will likely develop even further into a singular voice.”
Congratulations to Amara on her win and excellent writing. Thank you to everyone who submitted this year.
Important Dates and Deadlines:
Advising and intercollegiate transfer/curriculum changes for Spring 2021
Through Friday, Feb. 5
Last day to add a full-semester course
Through Friday, Feb. 5
Break – non instructional day
Wednesday, Feb. 17
Last day to drop or C/NC first eight-week course
Friday, Feb. 19
Advising and intercollegiate transfer/curriculum changes for fall 2021
Monday, March 1 through Friday, March 26