Steps taken to complete the project
- Determine how the general specifications of the project map to requirements for the power electronics converter
- Developed theoretical loss, weight, and volume models for several different converters in order to compare different topologies and designs. A flying capacitor multilevel converter was shown to be an advantageous design choice over other topologies.
- Developed high fidelity loss models for all components in a flying capacitor multilevel converter.
- Developed an advanced Monte Carlo simulation tool incorporating these loss models in order to optimize the design. This simulation tool creates a pareto-optimal front which shows the tradeoff between loss (efficiency) and weight (specific power = power per unit weight).
- Created advanced hardware-in-the-loop models of inverter performance so we could rapidly develop control algorithms in parallel with the hardware development. o Designed and developed two rounds of hardware and control algorithms (iterating and learning during each round of hardware development).
- Preparing for the third round of hardware development to further improve the cooling and packaging of the inverter
NOTE: We have also been evaluating the cryogenic (ultra-cold) operation of converters which had never been done before. This was a parallel task and is also appealing for more-electric aircraft applications once the electric machines become super-conducting.