ENG 598 – Teaching & Leadership
To provide just-in-time information for GTAs for their teaching duties, the first half of the course covers topics in teaching and pedagogies while the second half focuses on leadership development. Presenters vary weekly to expose GTAs to a variety of teaching styles and organization methods.
Current Sessions
Course Introduction and Interacting with Students
Graduate TA Panel
Office Hours (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Reprise)
Academic Integrity
General Rubric Design
Active Learning
Informal Early Feedback
Growth Mindset
Clifton Strengths
Leadership & Cognitive Diversity
Student Motivation
Supporting Students’ Mental Health
Course Wrap-up and Poster Session
Past Sessions
Classroom Presence (Techniques from Theater)
Intermediate Bloom’s Taxonomy
Evaluate Student Writing
Technical Communication
Diversity Bonus
Diversity and Inclusion
Leadership Panel
Applied Leadership Skills
Mental Health & Imposter Syndrome