See Google Scholar Page for current list
Journal Articles
39. Harwood, G.P., Prayugo, V., Dolezal, A.G. Butenolide insecticide flupyradifurone affects honey bee worker antiviral immunity and survival. Frontiers in Insect Science. 2:907555.
38. St. Clair, A. L., Beach, N. J., Dolezal, A. G. Honey bee hive covers reduce food consumption and colony mortality during overwintering. PLOS ONE 17(4): e0266219.
37. Dolezal, A. G. 2022. Commentary: Carryover insecticide exposure reduces bee reproduction across years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 119 (1) e2120128118;
36. Clair, A.L., Zhang, G., Dolezal, A. G., O’Neal, M. E., Toth, A. L. Landscape diversity but not honey bee presence shapes wild bee communities in soybean agroecosystems. 2022. 327:107826 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.
35. Zhang, G., Clair, A.L., Dolezal, A. G., Toth, A. L., O’Neal, M. E. 2021. Can native plants mitigate climate related forage dearth for honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae)? Journal of Economic Entomology (Invited paper). toab202.
34. Walton, A. R., Toth, A. L., Dolezal, A. G. 2021. Developmental environment shapes honey bee worker response to virus infection. Scientific Reports 11:13961
33. Dolezal, A. G., Torres, J., O’Neal, M. E. 2021 Can Solar Energy Fuel Pollinator Conservation? Environmental Entomology. (advance access) doi: 10.1093/ee/nvab041
32. Zhang, G., St. Clair, A.L., Dolezal, A. G., Toth, A. L., O’Neal, M. E. 2021. North American prairie is a source of pollen for managed honey bees. Journal of Insect Science. Volume 21, Issue 1, 17,
31. Pritchard, Z.A., Hendriksma, H.P., Stein, D.S., St. Clair, A.L., Dolezal, A.G., O’Neal, M.E., Toth, A.L. 2021. Do viruses of managed honey bees ([Hymenoptera]: [Apidae]) endanger wild bees in native prairies? Environmental Entomology nvaa181,
30. Hsieh, E. M., Berenbaum, M. R., Dolezal, A. G. 2020. Ameliorative Effects of Phytochemical Ingestion on Viral Infection in Honey Bees. Insects: 11(10), 698;
29. Hsieh, E. M., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Dolezal, A. G. 2020. Preparation of Virus-Enriched Inoculum for Oral Infection of Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera) . Journal of Visualized Experiments: (162), e61725, doi:10.3791/61725
28. St. Clair, A. L., Dolezal, A. G., O’Neal, M. E., Toth, A. L. 2020. Pan traps for tracking honey bee activity-density: a case study in soybeans. Insects: 11(6), 366;
27. Harwood, G. P., Dolezal, A. G. 2020. Pesticide–virus interactions in honey bees: Challenges and opportunities for understanding drivers of bee decline. Viruses: 12(5), 566;
26. Geffre, A. C., Gernat, T., Harwood, G. P., Jones, B. M., Morselli Gysi, D., Hamilton, A. R., Bonning, B. C., Toth, A. L., Robinson, G. E., Dolezal, A. G. 2020. Honey bee virus causes context-dependent changes in host social behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 202002268;
25. Zhang, G., St. Clair, A. L., Dolezal, A. G., Toth, A. L., O’Neal, M. E. 2020. Honey Bee (Hymenoptera: Apidea) Pollen Forage in a Highly Cultivated Agroecosystem: Limited Diet Diversity and Its Relationship to Virus Resistance J. Economic Entomology. 10.1093/jee/toaa055
24. St. Clair, A. L., Zhang, G., Dolezal, A. G., O’Neal, M. E. and Toth, A. L. 2020. Diversified Farming in a Monoculture Landscape: Effects on Honey Bee Health and Wild Bee Communities. Environmental Entomology.
23. Dolezal, A. G., St. Clair, A. L., Zhang, G., Toth, A. L., O’Neal, M. E. 2019. Native habitat mitigates feast–famine conditions faced by honey bees in an agricultural landscape. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 201912801. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1912801116 *cover article
22. Rutter, L., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Bonning, B.C., Cook, D., Toth, A.L., Dolezal, A.G. 2019. Transcriptomic responses to diet quality and viral infection in Apis mellifera. BMC Genomics 20(1): 412.; 10.1186/s12864-019-5767-1
21. Dolezal, A. G., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Judd, T. M., Miller, W. A., Bonning, B. C., Toth, A. L. 2019. Interacting stressors matter: Diet quality and virus infection in honey bee health. Royal Society Open Science, 6: 181803;
20. Corby-Harris , V., Bowshers, J.H., Carr-Markell, M., Carroll, M. J., Centrall, M., Cook, S.C., Couvillon, M., Degrandi-Hoffman, G., Dolezal, A. G., Jones, J. C., Mogren, C. L., Otto, C. R. V., Lau, P., Rangel, J., Schürch, R., St. Clair, A.. 2018. Emerging themes from the ESA symposium entitled ‘Pollinator Nutrition: Lessons from bees at Individual to Landscape Levels. Bee World 1-15.
19. Walton, A., Dolezal, A.G., Bakken, M., Toth, A. 2018. Hungry for the queen: honey bee nutritional environment affects worker pheromone response in a life-stage dependent manner. Functional Ecology 32(12): 2699-2706.
18. Dolezal, A. G. and Toth, A. L.. 2018. Feedbacks between nutrition and disease in honey bee health. Curr Opin in Insect Science 26: 114-119.
17. Toth, A. L., and Dolezal, A. G. Editorial overview: Social insects: Integrative approaches to understanding insect sociality: why physiology is still highly relevant. 2017. Curr Opin Insect Sci 22: viii-ix.
16. Dolezal, A. G., Hendrix, S. D., Scavo, N. A., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Harris, M. A., Wheelock, M. J., O’Neal, M. E., Toth, A. L. Honey bee viruses in wild bees: Viral prevalence, loads, and experimental inoculation. 2016. Plos One
15. Zinna, R., Gotoh, H., Brent, C., Dolezal A. G. , Kraus, A., Niimi, T., Emlen, D., Lavine, L.C. Endocrine control of exaggerated traits in rhinoceros beetles. 2016. Integrative & Comparative Biology
14. Dolezal, A. G., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Miller, W. A., Bonning, B.C., Toth, A.L. Intensively cultivated landscape and Varroa mite infestation are associated with reduced honey bee nutritional state. 2016 Plos One
13. Carrillo-Tripp, J., Dolezal, A. G., Goblirsch, M. J., Miller, W. A., Toth, A.L., Bonning, B.C., 2016. In vivo and in vitro infection dynamics of honey bee viruses. Scientific Reports. 6:22265
12. Dolezal, A. G., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Miller, W. A., Bonning, B.C., Toth, A.L. 2016. Honey bees preferentially reject pollen contaminated with field-relevant levels of an insecticide., J. of Economic Entomology. 109(1):41-48.
11. Ligon, R. A., Dolezal, A. G., Hicks, M. R., Butler, M. W., Morehouse, N. I., Tirupalavanam, G. 2014. Territorial Ants: Using ant colonies and the scientific process to engage students in the study of animal behavior. Am Bio Teach. 76,8:525-534.
10. Miller, W.A., Carrillo-Tripp, J., Bonning, B.C., Dolezal, A.G., Toth, A.L., 2014. Conclusive evidence of replication of a plant virus in honeybees Is lacking. Mbio 5.
9. Dolezal, A.G., Toth, A.L., 2013. Honey bee sociogenomics: a genome-scale perspective on bee social behavior and health. Apidologie 45, 375-395
8. Yamamoto, R., Bai, H., Dolezal, A.G., Amdam, G., Tatar, M., 2013. Juvenile hormone regulation of Drosophila aging. BMC Biol 11.
7. Dolezal, A.G., Johnson, J., Hoelldobler, B., Amdam, G.V., 2013. Division of labor is associated with age-independent changes in ovarian activity in Pogonomyrmex californicus harvester ants. J Insect Physiol 59, 519-524.
6. Dolezal, A.G., Brent, C.S., Holldobler, B., Amdam, G.V., 2012. Worker division of labor and endocrine physiology are associated in the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex californicus. J Exp Biol 215, 454-460.
5. Mutti, N.S., Dolezal, A.G., Wolschin, F., Mutti, J.S., Gill, K.S., Amdam, G.V., 2011. IRS and TOR nutrient-signaling pathways act via juvenile hormone to influence honey bee caste fate. J Exp Biol 214, 3977-3984. (co-first author)
4. Blumstein, D.T., Ebensperger, L.A., Hayes, L.D., Vasquez, R.A., Ahern, T.H., Burger, J.R., Dolezal, A.G., Dosmann, A., Gonzalez-Mariscal, G., Harris, B.N., Herrera, E.A., Lacey, E.A., Mateo, J., McGraw, L.A., Olazabal, D., Ramenofsky, M., Rubenstein, D.R., Sakhai, S.A., Saltzman, W., Sainz-Borgo, C., Soto-Gamboa, M., Stewart, M.L., Wey, T.W., Wingfield, J.C., Young, L.J., 2010. Toward an integrative understanding of social behavior: new models and new opportunities. Front Behav Neurosci 4.
3. Wang, Y., Mutti, N.S., Ihle, K.E., Siegel, A., Dolezal, A.G., Kaftanoglu, O., Amdam, G.V., 2010. Down-Regulation of honey bee IRS gene biases behavior toward food rich in protein. Plos Genet 6.
2. Dolezal, A.G., Brent, C.S., Gadau, J., Holldobler, B., Amdam, G.V., 2009.Endocrine physiology of the division of labour in Pogonomyrmex californicus founding queens. Anim Behav 77, 1005-1010
1. Tillberg, C.V., McCarthy, D.P., Dolezal, A.G., Suarez, A.V., 2006. Measuring the trophic ecology of ants using stable isotopes. Insect Soc 53, 65-69.
Outreach and Extension
Best management practices to protect honey bees and other pollinators in soybean fields
Book Chapters
Dolezal, Adam G. Caste Determination in Arthropods (Chapter 334 ), In Breed, M. D. and Moore J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, pp 247-253,Oxford: Academic Press, ISBN-13: 978-0080453330
Dolezal, A. G., Flores, K.B., Traynor, K.S., & Amdam, G.V. 2013. The Evolution and Development of Eusocial Insect Behavior, In Streelman, J.T. (ed.) Advances in Evolution and Development; Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA. ISBN: 978-1-118-13111-4
Ihle, K. E., Amdam, G. V., Dolezal, A. G., Evo-devo of Social Behavior. In Nuño de la Rosa, L. and G.B. Müller (eds.), Evolutionary Developmental Biology – A Reference Guide. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-33038-9_45-1
Dolezal, A. G. Caste Determination in Arthropods ,In Breed, M. D. and Moore J. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior 2nd Edition, pp 247-253,Oxford: Academic Press, In press, estimated Feb. 2019