Critical Response #2 (Revised)


Rhet 102 Critical Response 2 revised

Reflection: Here the first step I took before making changes was to reread the whole essay. Then I looked up the assignment description and focused on points I missed. The changes I made were bolding my name to let my reader know I am the subject who is writing the letter. Since I had to follow a specif letter format, the title of my essay needed to be under a regarded subject for my reader to who I am writing the letter for. I got rid of explicative constructions and made the essay’s sentence structure concise. I also got rid of italicized titles becuase articles, stories, and other short works should be in quotation marks. I added in quotation marks that I left out becuase I was directly quoting what the source said. Other than that grammar, spelling, and punctuation were fixed. Due to assignment detail, I had to keep the essay letter short for formating on one page, so not much could be added in the revising process.