<spaOur world is changing rapidly with the Maker Movement setting its roots into modern society today. People are becoming more inclined to build and make their own personalized products rather than the general off the factory line model of the products that they seek. For instance, why buy a paper weight when you could 3D print your personalized model quicker and cheaper? But the same thing can be said about open source electronic projects such as using Arduinos and Raspberry Pis (Microcontrollers and Microprocessors). People are becoming bored with the fixed flow of technology development that they are creating their own electronic projects and devices. We came across a great example of this from the time that Mike Bohlman came in and told us about his endeavors in making. He had come across a space-based board game but became bored with it and created his very ow nmore interesting and interactive version included using electronics to make the board spots blink. You can find this project on his website called the Star Wars Armada Correllian Conflict. But the key way he did this was by providing the functionality using arduinos and presenting it in housing using 3D printing and supplies. This is also the trend when creating a product where Arduinos are used to add functionality, features, automated processes, interactiveness. While 3D printing is used to provide structure, casing/housing, internal frame to hold up components, physical hold/grip for user, fitting the electronics to the specific use size and shape wise, outer appearance and so on. These all tie in and make products what they are. These all blend into where 3D printing meets arduinos and micro controller. Highlighting this and allowing you to see this is the goal of this post. The most common application of these is the use of them to create DIY bots, droids, automated machines or parts and so on.
This has caught the attention of large companies where they see the potential for 3D printing for low cost production. Especially in areas for consumer products where there is huge reliance on these two prototyping methods, and they use these added effects/uses for these prototyping methods to have specific effects on users to create a new experience or to have a certain feel.
This cross between 3D printing and electronics is very feasible and has sparked the concept of 3D printing electronics already embedded in the product. Which would in turn, cut down manufacturing time of products that possess both components. This would be the most effective in creating whole electronic products at once. And this might be able to revolutionize the world and allow people to 3d print whole products from their home. More info can be found here. This article explains the power of combining 3D printed parts and electronics and the way the world is moving to combine them into 3D printable electronics.