Week 2 Reflection

During the class this week, we did a quick exploration of all the 3D printing-related website to learn mainly how these websites are structured and what are some resources available online. For example, Thingiverse is one of the biggest maker community online, people learn and share their ideas, and you can even download a lot of free 3D models, which is indeed fascinating. We also learned how to operate the 3D printing machine with the help from TA and Vishal. While seeing the machine printing my “Christmas Mouse”, a sentence from the reading pops up on my mind, that was ” Instead, makers have a sense of what they can do and what they can learn to do”. Here is the “Christmas Mouse” I printed, I printed because it looks cute.


Monogrammed iphone case

Well I picked this “not fanny” object because I do think this printed Iphone case represents a new business model that would be prevailing with the presence of 3D printing technology. With a little twist in the design such as changes of the alphabet letter on the back of the case, it would then be a customized product.

Perpetual Motion

Well anyone who have learned physics knows the there is no way to keep the objects moving forever without adding extra force. However, this “perpetual” motion structure, with a initial force, can be integrated into a cleaning robot that operates for a long period of time without consuming batteries or electricity.


My family have got a lot of vase that are not currently being used or I should say basically say discarded, and it always bothers me since they are taking a lot of space. This vase looks awesome but if it can be made into a structure that would allow people to fold it, that would be even better.


I love this one because it has the potential to save space for young adults struggling in big cities. Take a picture of the space we want the shelf to fit in and then 3D print it, it would be very helpful to make people feel more comfortable in a crowded room.

Week 1 Reflection

I personally became interested in 3D printing because I attended the 3D printing conference back in November 2015. Some of the experts in the field actually came to campus to present us the most exciting news and discussions about 3D printing, including John Hornick. I very much liked his presentation on last Monday, and some of his points were very inspiring.

Mr. Hornick mentioned the mature of 3D printing technology would allow people to make things away from control, and until now the legislation regarding the subject matter is still in absence. This reminds me of scenes in science fiction movies, in which individuals with high intelligence rule the world with their own rules. I know this might sound ridiculous and might not happen in the near future, but do notice technology advances exponentially. I mean look at these Ferraris of the future http://3dprintingindustry.com/2016/01/27/these-are-the-ferraris-of-the-future-3d-printed-by-skorpion/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=3DPI+Facebook, you can basically make them by yourself in theory. I personally think with the maturity of 3D printing, the margin of individual ability would be extended enormously, and the power structure of the society might be very different from what it is like today. However, the dangerous side of this technology is not to afraid of, but to be planned ahead and controlled effectively.