To poke a little fun at Lois, or myself depending on how you look at it, we learned the art of soldering (sODDering for those of you who speak American as it seems). This week, we had a guest lecturer, Mitch Altman – you may recognize his name; he invented TV B Gone. This was the perfect example of a pet project that turned into a profitable product. Basically, it is a universal TV remote on a keychain that can shut off TVs in public places; how cool is that?!
So unlike some of my colleagues with no computer experience, this was not my first time soldering… I went to the FabLab a few weeks back and taught myself 🙂 It was super cool to have someone with tons of experience there to show you little tips and tricks, and as a result, I think I’m pretty decent at it now.
There were two parts of the experience that were supercool to me. The first was being able to learn from someone who had so much experience, not only in soldering, but in the making community and business world in general. The great thing about Mitch is that he was very warm and easy to talk to. You could tell that he really enjoyed what he did for a living. The other extremely awesome part was actually having our finished products in series. It was so cool to see everything light up in synchrony, and it was as the name implied, really trippy.
I’ve actually taught myself how to sew at the FabLab. I made one of my friends an Illini themed body pillow for her birthday.
Cheers Steve! You don’t want me to try and say “sODDering” in a british accent… 😛
Really cool that you’ve been making full use of the fab lab resources, any other things you’ve been up to over there?