I honestly never thought I would make something like this. I know very little about electronics. My knowledge of electronics has mostly been learned from studying the conduction system of the heart. I never dreamed that I would one day solder my own electronic circuit. With proper instructions the process is remarkably simple. Mitch Altman was a great teacher. A few important things to remember while soldering:
1) always solder with a clean tip (keep a damp sponge nearby)
2) feed the soldering material below the tip and closer to the circuit to make more accurate connections
3) if your soldering spots are touching others on your circuit, it’s possible that your device will not work (this happened to me at first. You can scrape away the excess flux to create a separation and this may fix your problem.)
Now that I know soldering is so easy, I feel much more confident to try to create other devices. I have long known about Adafruit, a awesome website that sells packages for different electronic projects, but I felt that all of it was way over my head. But not anymore!! I’m excited to combine some of their programmable lights to some wooden tribals masks that I collect. I will be sure to publish the results once it is complete.
Mitch really did lead the workshop very well, and allowing so many students with hot guns (soldering guns!) without much supervision really shows how much faith he has in his students! It also was cool how we learned the basic skill of soldering and how this skill can be used to create larger and more complex items of electronics!