Week 5 Reflection on Autodesk Fusion

Within the last two weeks, we have learnt Autodesk Fusion 360 platform to sketch different creative ideas and transfer products into 3D models. It was very exciting to get familiar with the deign platform in the first tutorial class. The introduction class was a good opportunity to understand the functions as well as implementations of the software, such as the use of MODEL, MODIFY and SKETCH. The options are flexible that allows us quickly build shapes, tailor existing design or even assemble discrete parts together. After learning the function menu, I tried to follow a tutorial video designing a lampshade for an off-the-shelf lamp cord. The instruction is straightforward and helpful to practice what we saw in the class. I believe that the self-practice is indispensable to help me better prepare the workshop on the second Fusion 360 workshop. In the second workshop, we moved to a more complex model—lamp, which involved several types of functions, including extrude, offset faces and FORM.

屏幕快照 2016-02-28 06.03.54 PM 屏幕快照 2016-02-28 06.04.25 PM屏幕快照 2016-02-28 06.05.01 PM屏幕快照 2016-02-28 06.06.02 PM

During the workshops, I saw the flexibility and customizability of the platform that allow users to complete the same project in multiple ways. It is convenient to track design steps and check errors by looking at the project in various angles. I am very enthusiastic to learn this new software and gain interesting experience on industrial design. In addition, Fusion 360 really opens my eyes on product designing because it is an efficient technology to transfer ideas into reality in short period of time with no limitations. Business and manufacturing industries should take plenty of advantages from Fusion 360 in developing new products, testing inherent functions from current designs, or printing intricate models in order to reduce operation and research and development (R&D) costs, more importantly curtail the time of introducing new projects to the marketplace.

I am very glad to have Fusion 360 design experience in BADM 395 because there is one more technique skills that I am able to add on my resume. In the next five years, I aspire to work as technology management consultant to assist business convert intangible assets into profits. Equipping with the skill of 3D designing, I believe this unique and intriguing experience will help me better understand of their research and product development progress.


One thought on “Week 5 Reflection on Autodesk Fusion

  1. Hi Ran, I really like the part you were talking about business should take advantage of this kind of software and I totally agree. I think for the design part in the current mass production manufacturing industry, there is a lot of back and forth, which not only consumes a lot time but also a lot of money. I do think by using this kind of software it will save company a lot of money in the designing stage, it also allows every day people to become a designer. BTW, I really admire that you have such clear goals about yourself in 5 year.

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