Last Monday in class WHAT happened was that we had the pleasure of working with Design for America. Its and amazing organization that more or less designs for a person. Rather than trying to adapt ideas into the lives of people. They think of ways to help benefit people not only in their towns and cities but all around the world with this 6 step plan which is an innovation in itself, the way it allows you to work and think through your ideas is truly helps make these ideas into reality. It’s the process of design and understand a problem and splits it up so not every has to happen all at once. It is really well deconstructed so that when you do go through all the steps successfully you will be where you want to be with your ideas.
SO WHAT does that have to do with digital making? It’s actually quite simple. Design For America (DFA) helped the students in BADM395 experience this process for designing though innovations with the help of a few tools. We were able to identify a problem we felt close to (in my case it was a Blind College Student names Jess) and help think of ideas and ways that we might be able to make her life a little simpler as a college student. It was really and fun and educational to think all the steps necessary to create a working and useful product. There are so many steps and you have to continue going back and forth on your ideas and design because nothing is truly ever perfect the first time around.
With all the new information on innovated design that was just given to our class NOW we will take all this new knowledge and cater is to our needs and relate it to the digital making skills that we will learn throughout the semester and marry them together into something that will be our own new and innovated creation.
Hi Harina,
I totally agree with you about how the steps of innovation were well deconstructed. I thought it was one of the best aspects, because when you are able to break down a concept like “innovation”, you can replicate the innovation and ideation process over and over again. I’m excited to be able to apply this idea of design to 3D printing as well. It should be interesting to see what problems all of us try to solve.
I thought it was great how some of us chose the same situation and how our final product was completely different. Working with people of different backgrounds definitely gives you a completely different outcome. I know my group also chose Jess however, our products were completely different.