Week 1

My previous exposure to 3D printing had been from a purely medical perspective. While I had heard of many of the applications that were discussed in lecture, I had not seen or heard about the design applications like the fabric that changes color and shape when you look at it. The potential application for future designer clothes is a very exciting prospect. I also loved the picture of the 3D printed violin picture. I was curious to see how they sound, so I found a video of a woman playing a 3D printed violin and attached it below.


I found many interesting models on thingiverse by searching the word “heart.” There was one really model that divides the heart into three slices. Medical models are expensive, but 3D printing makes them accessible at a fraction of the cost. This will become a huge resource for schools. Within in the same search I also found a “hole in my heart cookie cutter.” I definitely want to make this cookie cutter! I also found a cute idea for a valentine. My fiancé loves puzzles, so this year I hope to give him this 3D heart puzzle.

After exhausting thingiverse I hopped over to Shapeways. Shapeways seemed more like the etsy of 3d printing models with all of their intricate art designs.  While Shapeways had fewer “heart” designs, they had several anatomical bones. One designer is working on creating a full human skeleton model, but it is not complete yet. I may try to create my own skeleton model as it would be a fun way to study for physiology.

Medical model: three slices of heart


Hole in my heart cookie cutter


Valentine Puzzle


Full Human Skeleton Model
