New Equipment Used On DIFM Fields

The Data-Intensive Farm Management project is expanding our ability to obtain electroconductivity data on trial fields! Dr. Luciano Shiratsuchi is now using a GSSI Profiler EMP 400, a piece of electromagnetic induction equipment, that measures apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa).

The advantage of this functioning principle is that we can map ECa with a larger window. The Profiler can be run with a 4 wheeler using a plastic sled; it is the only ECa mapper on the market with 16 different frequencies, and it convenient and practical for no till and strip till fields.

New Funding Source

Luciano Shiratsuchi and Lisa Fultz approved an internal budget of $70,000 from the Louisiana State University (LSU) to build a Digital Agriculture Laboratory to support DIFM in cloud data processing and storage. The initial plan is to invest in equipment (electrical conductivity machines, on-the-go sensors, drones and workstations) to promote multi-disciplinary work, provide teaching materials, and to start up a Precision Agriculture Program at LSU.