Exercise as a Form of Holistic Mental Health Treatment

Getting into exercise can be a big “yes” or a big “no” activity for some people. It involves some sort of time and energy commitment to get out the door, lace up your shoes, and hit the ground running with a work out. It’s also tiring, sweaty, sometimes painful afterwards with soreness. Everyone will feel somewhat tired or lazy, but the most dedicated people who value their holistic health will know still show up. Understand that motivation won’t always be there for you, especially when you’re beginning your fitness journey or are suffering from a mental health issue. However, it’s important to know that following exercise therapy, or a consistent form of exercise will help you radically change your mental issues for the better. Let’s look at what exactly is exercise therapy and how it works as a highly effective method of mental health treatment!

Spending time by the mountains or other forms of nature is a great Phoenix Arizona activity!

How Exercise Therapy Works

  • Exercise therapy has been around for years and has helped nearly every patient who needed mental health treatment and stayed loyal to their program. Most exercise therapy programs are led by someone who is professionally experienced in education in exercise, kinesiology, or sports medicine in general. However, what sets exercise therapy apart from regular exercise is that it’s pinpointed to help a person with their depression, anxiety, PTSD, or whatever is blocking them from living their life the best way possible.
  • Exercise therapy can take on the form of running, rock climbing, weightlifting, hiking, swimming, dancing, or anything that the person enrolling enjoys best. There is something for everybody to do and there is space for anyone to start no matter what their fitness level is like. Sometimes clients will feel intimidated to start a new exercise type or are discouraged from past experiences that left a negative impact on their relationship with exercise in general. Therapy guides will take this into account so every person feels motivated to start, revitalized to crush every workout, and dedicated to finish strong so they come out of therapy stronger than ever.
  • Exercise therapy is a great form of holistic therapy for mental health since it brings a variety of benefits. As rates of depression and anxiety are higher than ever in the U.S., it’s essential that people learn about the idea of holistic health and finding ways to treat their bodies naturally. . Regular exercise helps bring better blood supply to our brains to improve cortex health and processing overall. It regulates the generation of new neurons that assist with information processing, focus, and memory over time. It also releases a healthy dose of endorphins that help people feel more energized, happy, and ready to take on the day after finishing a workout. Since symptoms of depression are tied to a reduced amount of neurons in the brain, following consistent exercise can prove highly effective for most people.
  • Exercise can be done with a membership in the gym or completely free outside. Depending on what your therapist guides you to do and what your preferences are, you can choose when and where you want to work out. People who live in cities like Chicago or New York may benefit from sticking to a gym regime so the colder climate doesn’t bear as an obstacle to their goals. People who happen to live in warmer regions like Texas, are working on mental health in Phoenix, or are starting new exercises in New Mexico will benefit from options outside in nature. Look up what type of hiking trails, nearby parks, or running roads are around you so you can make the most of your location!
  • Exercise therapy can be a lifetime habit if done right. Your therapy doesn’t have to be over once you finish working with the therapist of your choice. Doing daily exercise is a great habit that can set you up for a lifetime of energy, stronger health, and an improved mindset. Many people who choose to be active in their younger years tend to stick with some sort of exercising schedule as they grow older as well, so it’s never too late to start!

Easy Mental Health Treatment

With exercise therapy, you can never go wrong with moving your body and breaking a sweat. The benefits from a workout are incredible and can last for several hours during the day without any odd side effects that medications would bring. Do your homework to see what exercising options are around you and follow a guru who can encourage you to get out the door!



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