Peer Reviewed Publications

55. Molitor, H.R.; Kim, G.Y.; Harnett, E.; Gincley, B.; Alam, M.M.; Feng, J.; Avila, N.M.; Fisher, A.; Hodaei, M.; Li, Y.; McGraw, K.; Cusick, R.D.; Bradley, I.M.; Pinto, A.J.; Guest, J.S. (2024) Intensive Microalgal Cultivation and Tertiary Phosphorus Recovery from Wastewaters via the EcoRecover Process, Environmental Science & Technology 58 (20) 8803-8814

54. Puri, R.; Emaminejad, S.A.; Cusick, R.D. Mechanistic and data-driven modeling of carbon respiration with bio-electrochemical sensors, Current Opinion in Biotechnology (88) 103173

53. Lee, J.; Hertzberger, A.; Juneja, A.; Cusick, R.D.; Singh, V.; Margenot, A.J. (2024) Phytin recovered from grain distillation can be used as a phosphorus fertilizer for maize and soybean, Soil Science Society of America Journal 88 (3) 816-829

52. Ruffatto, K.; Sharon, G.C.; Muenich, R.L.; Cusick, R.D. (2023) Modeling National Embodied Phosphorus Flows of Corn Ethanol Distillers Grains to Elucidate Nutrient Reduction Opportunities, Environmental Science & Technology 57 (38) 14429-14441

51. Zhou, H.; Margenot, A.J.; Zheng, W.; Wardropper, C.B.; Cusick, R.D.; Bhattarai, R. (2023) Advancing circular nutrient economy to achieve benefits beyond nutrient loss reduction in the Mississippi/Atchafalaya River basin, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 78 (4) 82A-84A

50. Emaminejad, S.A.; Sparks, J.; Cusick, R.D. (2023) Integrating Bio-Electrochemical Sensors and Machine Learning to Predict the Efficacy of Biological Nutrient Removal Processes at Water Resource Recovery Facilities, Environmental Science & Technology 57 (25) 9194-9203.

49. Li, S.; Cai, X.; Niroula, S.; Wallington, K.; Gramig, B.M.; Cusick, R.D.; Singh, V.; McIsaac, G.; Oh, S.; Kurambhatti, C.; Emaminejad, S.A.; John, S. (2023) Integrated Agricultural Practices and Engineering Technologies Enhance Synergies of Food-Energy-Water-Systems in Corn Belt Watersheds, Environmental Science & Technology 57 (25) 9194-9203.

48. Watabe, S.; Lohman, H.; Li., Y.; Morgan, V.L.; Rowles, L.S.; Stephen, T.; Shyu, H.; Bair, R.A.; Castro, C.J.; Cusick, R.D.; Yeh, D.H.; Guest, J.S. (2023) Advancing the Economic and Environmental Sustainability of the NEWgenerator Nonsewered Sanitation System, ACS Environmental Au 3 (4) 209-222

47. Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Morgan, V.L.; Lohman, H.A.C.; Rowles, L.S.; Mittal, S.; Kogle, A.; Cusick, R.D.; Tarpeh, W.A., Guest, J.S. (2022) QSDsan: an integrated platform for quantitative sustainable design of sanitation and resource recovery systems, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 8(10), 2289-2303.

46. Rowles, L.S.; Morgan, V.L.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; Wattage, S.; Stephen, T.; Lohman, H.A.C.; DeSouza, D.; Hallowell, J.; Cusick, R.D.; Guest, J.S. (2022) Financial viability and environmental sustainability of fecal sludge management with Omni Processors, ACS Environmental Au 2 (5) 455-466

45. Ruffatto, K.; Emaminejad, S.A.; Junjea, A.; Kurambhatti, C.; Margenot, A.; Singh, V.; Cusick, R.D. (2022) Mapping the national phosphorus recovery potential from centralized wastewater and corn ethanol infrastructure, Environmental Science & Technology 56 (12) 8691-8701.

44. Aguiar, S.; Zhang, M.; Romero-Flores, A.; Johnson, T.; Cusick, R.D. (2022) Modeling the plantwide impacts of struvite loss from side stream precipitation reactors, ACS ES&T Engineering 2 (5) 874-885.

43. Emaminejad, S.A.; Morgan, V.L.; Kumar, K.; Kavathekar, A.; Ragush, C.; Shuai, W.; Jia, Z.; Huffaker, R.; Wells, G.; Cusick, R.D. (2022) Statistical and microbial analysis of bio-electrochemical sensors used for carbon monitoring at water resource recovery facilities, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 8 (10), 2052-2064

42. Li S.; Emaminejad, S.A.; Aguiar, S.; Furneaux, A.; Cai, X.; Cusick, R.D.; (2021) Evaluating long-term treatment performance and cost of nutrient removal at water resource recovery facilities under stochastic influent characteristics using artificial neural networks as surrogates for plant-wide modeling, ACS ES&T Engineering 1 (11), 1517-1529.

41. Echevarria, D.; Trimmer, J.; Cusick, R.D.; Guest,, J.S. (2021) Defining nutrient co-location typologies for human-derived supply and crop demand to advance resource recovery, Environmental Science & Technology 55 (15) 10704-10713.

40. Li, S.; Cai, X.; Emaminejad, S.A.; Junjea, A.; Niroula, S.; Oh, S.; Wallington, K.; Cusick, R.D.; Gramig, B.M.; John, S.; McIsaac, G.F.; Singh, V.; (2021) Developing an integrated technology-environment-economics model to simulate food-energy-water systems in Corn Belt watersheds, Environmental Modeling & Software (143) 105083.

39. Gu, C.; Zhou, A.; Cusik, R.D.; Margenot, A.J. (2021) Evaluating agronomic soil tests for struvite as an emerging renewable and slow-release phosphorus fertilizer, Geoderma (399) 1, 115093.

38. Hand, S.; Cusick, R.D. (2021) Electrochemical disinfection in water and wastewater treatment: identifying impacts of water quality and operating conditions on performance, Environmental Science & Technology 55 (6), 3470-3482.

37. Hertzberger, A.J.; Cusick, R.D.; Margenot, A.J. (2021) Maize and Soybean Response to Phosphorus Fertilization with Blends of Struvite and Monoammonium Phosphate. Plant and Soil, 461 (1), 547-563.

36. Kim, K.; Baldaguez Medina, P.; Elbert, J.; Kayiwa, E.; Cusick, R.D.; Men, Y.; Su, X. (2020). Molecular control of redox-copolymers for the selective electrochemical separation of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Advanced Functional Materials, 52 (30), 2070346.

35. Trimmer, J.T.; Miller, D.C.; Byrne, D.M.; Lohman, H.A.C.; Banadda, N.; Baylis, K.; Cook, S.M.; Cusick, R.D.; Jjuuko, F.; Margenot, A.J.; Zerai, A.; Guest, J.S. (2020) Re-envisioning sanitation as a human-derived resource system. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (17) 10446-10459.

34. Lohman, H.A.C; Trimmer, J.T.; Katende, D.; Mubasira, M.; Nagirinya, M.; Nsereko, F.; Banadda, N.; Cusick, R.D.; Guest, J.S. (2020) Advancing Sustainable Sanitation and Agriculture Through Investments in Human-Derived Nutrient Systems. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (15), 9217-9227.

33. Hertzberger, A. J.; Cusick, R. D.; Margenot, A.J. (2020) Agricultural potential of struvite as a phosphorus fertilizer: a review. Soil Society of America Journal, 97 (2), 449-458.

32. Hand, S.; Cusick, R.D. (2020) Emerging Investigator Series: Capacitive Deionization for Selective Removal of Nitrate and Perchlorate: Impacts of Ion Selectivity and Operating Constraints on Treatment Costs. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (cover article) 6 (4), 925-934.

31. Junjea, A.; Cusick, R. D.; Singh, V. (2020) Recovering Phosphorus as a Coproduct from Corn Dry Grind Plants: A Techno-economic Evaluation. Cereal Chemistry, 97 (2), 449-458.

30. Aguiar, S.; Sharma, N.; Yang, L.; Zhang, M.; Singh, V.; Cusick, R.D. (2020) Phosphorus fractionation and protein content control chemical phosphorus removal from corn biorefinery streams, Journal of Environmental Quality, 49 (1), 220-227.

29. Hand, S.; Guest, J. S.; Cusick, R.D. (2019) Technoeconomic Analysis of Brackish Water Capacitive Deionization: Navigating Tradeoffs Between Performance, Lifetime, and Material Costs. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (22), 13353-13363.

28. Margenot, A. J., Kitt, D.; Gramig, B. M.; Berkshire, T. B.; Chatterjee, N.; Hertzberger, A. J.; Aguiar, S.; Furneaux, A.; Sharma, N.; Cusick, R.D. (2019) Toward a Regional Phosphorus (re)cycle in the U.S. Midwest, Journal of Environmental Quality, 48 (5), 1397-1413.

27. Trimmer, J.T.; Margenot, A.J.; Cusick, R.D.; Guest, J.S. (2019) Aligning Product Chemistry and Soil Context for Agronomic Reuse of Human-Derived Resources. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (11), 6501-6510.

26. Hand, S., Shang, X. Guest, J., Smith, K.C., and R.D. Cusick (2019). Global Sensitivity Analysis to Characterize Operational Limits and Prioritize Performance Goals of Capacitive Deionization Technologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 53 (7), 3748-3756.

25. Bhat, A. P., Reale, E. R., del Cerro, M., Smith, K.C., and R.D. Cusick (2019). Reducing Impedance to Ionic Flux in Capacitive Deionization with Bi-tortuous Activated Carbon Electrodes Coated with Asymmetrically Charged Polyelectrolytes. Water Research X, 100027.

24. Junjea, A., Sharma, N., Cusick, R. D., and V. Singh (2019). Techno-economic Feasibility of Phosphorus Recovery as a Coproduct from Corn Wet Milling Plants. Cereal Chemistry, 96 (2), 380-390.

23. Kim, M., del Cerro, M., Hand, S., and R.D. Cusick (2019). Enhancing Capacitive Deionization Performance with Charged Structural Polysaccharide Electrode Binders. Water Research, 148, 388 – 397.

22. Agrawal, S., Guest, J.S., and R.D. Cusick (2018). Elucidating the impacts of initial supersaturation and seed crystal loading on struvite precipitation kinetics, fines production, and crystal growth. Water Research, 132, 252-259.

21. Shang, X., R. D. Cusick, and K. C. Smith (2017). A combined modeling and experimental study assessing the impact of fluid pulsation on charge and energy efficiency in capacitive deionization. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (14), E536-E547.

20. Hand, S. and R. D. Cusick (2017). Characterizing the Impacts of Deposition Techniques on the Performance of MnO2 Cathodes for Sodium Electrosorption in Hybrid Capacitive Deionization. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (20), 12027-12034.

19. Trimmer, J.T., R.D. Cusick and J. S. Guest (2017). Amplifying Progress toward Multiple Development Goals through Resource Recovery from Sanitation. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (18), 10765-10776.

18. Shoener, B. D., I. M. Bradley, R. D. Cusick, and J. S. Guest (2014). Energy positive domestic wastewater treatment: the roles of anaerobic and phototrophic technologies.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (6), 1204-1222.

___________ Publications from R.D. Cusick Graduate Research ____________

17. Yates, M. D., R. D. Cusick, I. Ivanov, and B. E. Logan (2014). Exoelectrogenic biofilm as a template for sustainable formation of a catalytic mesoporous structure. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111 (11), 2349-2354.

16. Cusick, R. D., M. L. Ullery, B. A. Dempsey, and B. E. Logan (2014). Electrochemical struvite precipitation from digestate with a fluidized bed cathode microbial electrolysis cell. Water Research, 54, 297-306.

15. Hatzell, M. C., I. Ivanov, R. D. Cusick, X. Zhu, and B. E. Logan (2014). Comparison of hydrogen production and electrical power generation for energy capture in closed-Loop ammonium bicarbonate reverse electrodialysis systems. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16(4), 1632–38.

14. Hatzell, M. C., R. D. Cusick, and B. E. Logan (2014). Capacitive mixing power production form salinity gradient energy enhanced through exoelectrogen-generated ionic currents. Energy & Environmental Science, 7, 1159-1165.

13. Cusick, R. D., M. C. Hatzell, F. Zhang, and B.E. Logan (2013). Minimal RED cell pairs markedly improve electrode kinetics and power production in microbial reverse electrodialysis cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(24), 14518-14524.

12. Yates, M. D., R. D. Cusick, and B.E. Logan (2013). Extracellular palladium nanoparticle production using Geobacter sulfurreducens. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 1 (9), 1165-1171.

11. Zhu, X., M. C. Hatzell, R.D. Cusick, B.E. and Logan (2013). Microbial reverse-electrodialysis chemical-production cell for acid and alkali production. Electrochemistry Communications, 31, 52-55.

10. Tenca, A., R. D. Cusick, A. Schievano, R. Oberti, and B.E. Logan (2013). Evaluation of low cost cathode materials for treatment of industrial and food processing wastewater using microbial electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(4), 1859-1865.

9. Cusick, R. D., Y. Kim and B. E. Logan (2012). Energy capture from thermolytic solutions in microbial reverse-electrodialysis cells. Science, 335(6075): 1474-1477.

8. Nam, J. Y., R. D. Cusick, Y. Kim and B. E. Logan (2012). Hydrogen generation in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells using a heat-regenerated salt solution. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(9): 5240-5246.

7. Cusick, R. D. and B. E. Logan (2012). Phosphate recovery as struvite within a single chamber microbial electrolysis cell. Bioresource Technology, 107(0): 110-115.

6. Cusick, R. D., B. Bryan, D. S. Parker, M. D. Merrill, M. Mehanna, P. D. Kiely, G. Liu and B. E. Logan (2011). Performance of a pilot-scale continuous flow microbial electrolysis cell fed winery wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 89(6): 2053-2063.

5. Saito, T., M. Mehanna, X. Wang, R. D. Cusick, Y. Feng, M. A. Hickner and B. E. Logan (2011). Effect of nitrogen addition on the performance of microbial fuel cell anodes. Bioresource Technology, 102(1): 395-398.

4. Kiely, P. D., R. Cusick, D. F. Call, P. A. Selembo, J. M. Regan and B. E. Logan (2011). Anode microbial communities produced by changing from microbial fuel cell to microbial electrolysis cell operation using two different wastewaters. Bioresource Technology, 102(1): 388-394.

3. Cusick, R. D., P. D. Kiely and B. E. Logan (2010). A monetary comparison of energy recovered from microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells fed winery or domestic wastewaters. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(17): 8855-8861.

________  Publications from R.D. Cusick’s Undergraduate Research _________

2. Arey, J., G. Obermeyer, S. M. Aschmann, S. Chattopadhyay, R. D. Cusick and R. Atkinson (2008). Dicarbonyl products of the OH radical-initiated reaction of a series of aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(3): 683-689.

1. Cusick, R. D. and R. Atkinson (2005). Rate constants for the gas phase reactions of O3 with a series of cycloalkenes at 296±2 K. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 37(3): 183-190.

31. Junjea, A.; Cusick, R. D.; Singh, V. (2020) Recovering Phosphorus as a Coproduct from Corn Dry Grind Plants: A Techno-economic Evaluation. Cereal Chemistry, 97 (2), 449-458.

30. Aguiar, S.; Sharma, N.; Yang, L.; Zhang, M.; Singh, V.; Cusick, R.D. (2020) Phosphorus fractionation and protein content control chemical phosphorus removal from corn biorefinery streams, Journal of Environmental Quality, 49 (1), 220-227.

29. Hand, S.; Guest, J. S.; Cusick, R.D. (2019) Technoeconomic Analysis of Brackish Water Capacitive Deionization: Navigating Tradeoffs Between Performance, Lifetime, and Material Costs. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (22), 13353-13363.

28. Margenot, A. J., Kitt, D.; Gramig, B. M.; Berkshire, T. B.; Chatterjee, N.; Hertzberger, A. J.; Aguiar, S.; Furneaux, A.; Sharma, N.; Cusick, R.D. (2019) Toward a Regional Phosphorus (re)cycle in the U.S. Midwest, Journal of Environmental Quality, 48 (5), 1397-1413.

27. Trimmer, J.T.; Margenot, A.J.; Cusick, R.D.; Guest, J.S. (2019) Aligning Product Chemistry and Soil Context for Agronomic Reuse of Human-Derived Resources. Environmental Science & Technology, 53 (11), 6501-6510.

26. Hand, S., Shang, X. Guest, J., Smith, K.C., and R.D. Cusick (2019). Global Sensitivity Analysis to Characterize Operational Limits and Prioritize Performance Goals of Capacitive Deionization Technologies. Environmental Science & Technology. 53 (7), 3748-3756.

25. Bhat, A. P., Reale, E. R., del Cerro, M., Smith, K.C., and R.D. Cusick (2019). Reducing Impedance to Ionic Flux in Capacitive Deionization with Bi-tortuous Activated Carbon Electrodes Coated with Asymmetrically Charged Polyelectrolytes. Water Research X, 100027.

24. Junjea, A., Sharma, N., Cusick, R. D., and V. Singh (2019). Techno-economic Feasibility of Phosphorus Recovery as a Coproduct from Corn Wet Milling Plants. Cereal Chemistry, 96 (2), 380-390.

23. Kim, M., del Cerro, M., Hand, S., and R.D. Cusick (2019). Enhancing Capacitive Deionization Performance with Charged Structural Polysaccharide Electrode Binders. Water Research, 148, 388 – 397.

22. Agrawal, S., Guest, J.S., and R.D. Cusick (2018). Elucidating the impacts of initial supersaturation and seed crystal loading on struvite precipitation kinetics, fines production, and crystal growth. Water Research, 132, 252-259.

21. Shang, X., R. D. Cusick, and K. C. Smith (2017). A combined modeling and experimental study assessing the impact of fluid pulsation on charge and energy efficiency in capacitive deionization. Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 161 (14), E536-E547.

20. Hand, S. and R. D. Cusick (2017). Characterizing the Impacts of Deposition Techniques on the Performance of MnO2 Cathodes for Sodium Electrosorption in Hybrid Capacitive Deionization. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (20), 12027-12034.

19. Trimmer, J.T., R.D. Cusick and J. S. Guest (2017). Amplifying Progress toward Multiple Development Goals through Resource Recovery from Sanitation. Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (18), 10765-10776.

18. Shoener, B. D., I. M. Bradley, R. D. Cusick, and J. S. Guest (2014). Energy positive domestic wastewater treatment: the roles of anaerobic and phototrophic technologies.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16 (6), 1204-1222.

___________ Publications from R.D. Cusick Graduate Research ____________

17. Yates, M. D., R. D. Cusick, I. Ivanov, and B. E. Logan (2014). Exoelectrogenic biofilm as a template for sustainable formation of a catalytic mesoporous structure. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 111 (11), 2349-2354.

16. Cusick, R. D., M. L. Ullery, B. A. Dempsey, and B. E. Logan (2014). Electrochemical struvite precipitation from digestate with a fluidized bed cathode microbial electrolysis cell. Water Research, 54, 297-306.

15. Hatzell, M. C., I. Ivanov, R. D. Cusick, X. Zhu, and B. E. Logan (2014). Comparison of hydrogen production and electrical power generation for energy capture in closed-Loop ammonium bicarbonate reverse electrodialysis systems. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16(4), 1632–38.

14. Hatzell, M. C., R. D. Cusick, and B. E. Logan (2014). Capacitive mixing power production form salinity gradient energy enhanced through exoelectrogen-generated ionic currents. Energy & Environmental Science, 7, 1159-1165.

13. Cusick, R. D., M. C. Hatzell, F. Zhang, and B.E. Logan (2013). Minimal RED cell pairs markedly improve electrode kinetics and power production in microbial reverse electrodialysis cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(24), 14518-14524.

12. Yates, M. D., R. D. Cusick, and B.E. Logan (2013). Extracellular palladium nanoparticle production using Geobacter sulfurreducens. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 1 (9), 1165-1171.

11. Zhu, X., M. C. Hatzell, R.D. Cusick, B.E. and Logan (2013). Microbial reverse-electrodialysis chemical-production cell for acid and alkali production. Electrochemistry Communications, 31, 52-55.

10. Tenca, A., R. D. Cusick, A. Schievano, R. Oberti, and B.E. Logan (2013). Evaluation of low cost cathode materials for treatment of industrial and food processing wastewater using microbial electrolysis cells. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 38(4), 1859-1865.

9. Cusick, R. D., Y. Kim and B. E. Logan (2012). Energy capture from thermolytic solutions in microbial reverse-electrodialysis cells. Science, 335(6075): 1474-1477.

8. Nam, J. Y., R. D. Cusick, Y. Kim and B. E. Logan (2012). Hydrogen generation in microbial reverse-electrodialysis electrolysis cells using a heat-regenerated salt solution. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(9): 5240-5246.

7. Cusick, R. D. and B. E. Logan (2012). Phosphate recovery as struvite within a single chamber microbial electrolysis cell. Bioresource Technology, 107(0): 110-115.

6. Cusick, R. D., B. Bryan, D. S. Parker, M. D. Merrill, M. Mehanna, P. D. Kiely, G. Liu and B. E. Logan (2011). Performance of a pilot-scale continuous flow microbial electrolysis cell fed winery wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 89(6): 2053-2063.

5. Saito, T., M. Mehanna, X. Wang, R. D. Cusick, Y. Feng, M. A. Hickner and B. E. Logan (2011). Effect of nitrogen addition on the performance of microbial fuel cell anodes. Bioresource Technology, 102(1): 395-398.

4. Kiely, P. D., R. Cusick, D. F. Call, P. A. Selembo, J. M. Regan and B. E. Logan (2011). Anode microbial communities produced by changing from microbial fuel cell to microbial electrolysis cell operation using two different wastewaters. Bioresource Technology, 102(1): 388-394.

3. Cusick, R. D., P. D. Kiely and B. E. Logan (2010). A monetary comparison of energy recovered from microbial fuel cells and microbial electrolysis cells fed winery or domestic wastewaters. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35(17): 8855-8861.

________  Publications from R.D. Cusick’s Undergraduate Research _________

2. Arey, J., G. Obermeyer, S. M. Aschmann, S. Chattopadhyay, R. D. Cusick and R. Atkinson (2008). Dicarbonyl products of the OH radical-initiated reaction of a series of aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Science & Technology, 43(3): 683-689.

1. Cusick, R. D. and R. Atkinson (2005). Rate constants for the gas phase reactions of O3 with a series of cycloalkenes at 296±2 K. International Journal of Chemical Kinetics 37(3): 183-190.