3050 ECE Bldg,
306 N. Wright St. , Urbana, IL – 61801
cradhak [at] illinois [dot] edu
Ph.D. – Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University.
Teaching Interests
I am interested in teaching courses in areas related to Circuits and Signal Processing. In the recent past I have taught the following courses:
ECE498CR – Digitally Assisted Circuit Design
ECE 342 – Electronic Circuits
ECE 310 – Digital Signal Processing
ECE 205 – Electrical and Electronic Circuits
ECE 330 – Power Circuits and Electromechanics
ECE 343 – Electronic Circuits Lab
ECE 206 – Electrical and Electronic Circuits Lab
Details on my teaching can be found here.
Research Interests
- Statistical/Adaptive Signal Processing techniques in circuit design
- Design of robust algorithms and architectures for nanoscale integrated circuits
- Signal processing and learning algorithms implementation in in-memory architecture
- Alternate number systems based circuits and computations
- Bio-inspired algorithms in signal processing
Details on my research can be found here.
Awards and Honors
- Rose Award for Teaching Excellence, Grainger College of Engineering, UIUC
- George Anner Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UIUC
- List of Teachers Ranked Excellent with outstanding distinction, UIUC
- Dr. Nirmal K. Bose Dissertation Excellence Award, Department of Electrical Engineering, Pennsylvania State University
- Spot Award for solving several key issues in Initial Synchronization and Receiver Chain Integration., Sasken Communication Technologies