Sir Isaac Newton comes to the Conservation Lab
It is amazing to work at an institution that acquires so many interesting objects for its collection. A recent acquisition to our Rare Book and Manuscript Library is Sir Isaac Newton’s Latin translation of “Opus Galli Anonymi” in April 2018. While a fascinating piece for researchers, this antique manuscript needed some conservation help. Continue reading “Sir Isaac Newton comes to the Conservation Lab”
Happy Fall Break!
To all our students, enjoy your Fall Break! We will see you back in 1 week.
When Good Intentions Create Chaos: The Spanish Play Collection at the University of Illinois
Last year, the Conservation Lab took on a sizeable project: disbind and rehouse almost 12,000 19th and Early 20th Century Spanish plays. Sounds fun, right?
This project garners several questions: why so many? why are you disbinding them? Who wanted 12,000 plays in the first place?
All great questions and only a few good answers. Continue reading “When Good Intentions Create Chaos: The Spanish Play Collection at the University of Illinois”
Building a Library: The Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection at Illinois
We are looking forward to seeing our hard work on display at this upcoming exhibit!
Exhibit Description
In 1921, the University of Illinois purchased the Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection of Italian imprints and manuscripts from the descendants of Count Antonio Cavagna Sangiuliani di Gualdana (1843-1913) as part of a wider effort to establish the University as a leading center for advanced study. Continue reading “Building a Library: The Cavagna Sangiuliani Collection at Illinois”