
Though I was born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico and will always be a southwestern boy at heart, following my ears has taken me to places I’d never imagined.

In 2004 I received a BA from Oberlin College, graduating with a triple major in neuroscience, psychology, and biology, and a minor in chemistry. From there I did additional postgraduate study  in neurophysiology at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland and at University College, London (2004-2005) before moving up to York (UK) to complete a Master’s in Vocal Studies and a PhD in Musicology through the support of the Marshall Scholarship program and under the supervision of John Potter, long-time member of the Hilliard Ensemble and full-time musical maverick.

In addition to the University of Illinois, I have also worked at Mercer University’s Townsend School of Music, and am an enthusiastic if less than skilled student of the Taalim School of Indian Music.

For more about me, see my CV here.

Listening across Disciplines