School is nearly out in most places in the northern hemisphere and it is time to consider reading opportunities for children and teens during the hot, lazy days of summer.
Below are some Web sites that provide links to various reading lists and other Web sites with strategies to improve children’s reading. Take some time this summer to relax, read with children or provide fun reading material, and be sure to discuss what is being read! Whether you are headed for a beach vacation, a cabin in the woods, or just some time at home away from the demands of work and school, there are always opportunities for reading. While reading “the classics” may be popular with teachers and parents, don’t forget that reading comics, manga, and other books just for fun can maintain or help develop good reading skills also. Just check out the lists below and enjoy!
Education World® Curriculum: Reading Lists Abound on the Web
This timely article mentions the importance of summer reading in order to maintain reading skills during the summer break from school. Lists of books are provided through several links.
Summer Reading and Learning for Children
Sponsored by the Association for Library Service to Children, a unit of the American Library Association, this site provides links to lists of award winners and other notable books for children and teens.
Summer Reading List Suggestions
This site is a link from Mrs. Mitchell’s Virtual School Page and offers links to lists of recommended books from Canada and the U.S.