Anonymous Incident/Near Miss Reporting

Anonymous Near Miss/Incident Reports act as an educational tool to increase awareness and help create a safe, productive research environment. If you are aware of a near miss or incident, please provide information on the situation so we can all learn from it.

Your submission may be submitted anonymously, but we request you enter your email address so that we may follow-up with any questions. Your submission will be reviewed by the JST and may be discussed with DRS so that we may continue to improve our safety protocols and provide correct information for lessons learned. More information can be found on the Near Misses/Safety Concerns tab.


  • If someone was injured, please make sure to fill out a First Report of Injury form and follow up with DRS!
  • This system IS NOT meant to replace the First Report of Injury Form or a DRS/SCS Accident Investigation
  • Please make sure to fill out both the First Report of an Injury Form and the JST Anonymous Incident/Near Miss Reporting Form. JST does not get any information about incidents submitted to DRS through the First Report of an Injury Form

Anonymous Incident/Near Miss Reporting Form