Cluster of Excellence

Global Knowledge


The Center for Global Studies contributes to the Global Studies Library’s collection development. Our Global Knowledge Efforts also facilitate research, teaching and outreach in the area of new information technologies, government policies, and emerging social/communication networks.

Area Studies Center At

University of Illinois

The Center for Global Studies globalizes the research, teaching, and outreach missions of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Center is a National Resource Center in Global Studies designated by the U.S. Department of Education

Cluster of Excellence

Global Governance

(Security/Law/Human Rights)

CGS facilitates research, teaching and outreach on Security & Natural Resource Conflict as a global issue through an undergraduate certificate, course development, academic conferences and publications, teacher workshops, and informed lectures.

Cluster of Excellence

Global Health

The Global Health Initiative at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign engages global health issues through interdisciplinary problem-solving, research, training, and international exchange.

Cluster of Excellence

Global Society & Sustainable Development

Our Global Society and Sustainable Development initiatives foster the growth of the next generation of environmental leaders through examining the needs of the world’s populations in tandem with a concern for preserving resources for future generations.


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The Center for Global Studies at Illinois

Dear CGS students and affiliates, despite the harsh conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic, CGS continues its mission and seeks to work with you during this difficult time.  If you have ideas, projects, or community/online resources (blogs, videos) that would be of interest to our audience and can benefit from our assistance, we are eager to work with you. As we transition to life in the midst of a global pandemic, we intend to remain active and engaged. Please consider partnering with us for your own projects and stay in touch with us on our website, social media, and Eweekly for future announcements and online events.

CGS has created a webpage dedicated to resources related to COVID-19 that provides global perspectives of the pandemic. Find it HERE.

The Center for Global Studies globalizes the research, teaching, and outreach missions of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The Center is a National Resource Center in Global Studies designated by the U.S. Department of Education.

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Center for Global Studies Fall 2020 Themes <Water / Covid-19> Lecture Schedule:

News and Announcements

“Syndemics: Theory & Application”

Speakers: Emily Mendenhall (Georgetown, School of Foreign Service)

Bayla Ostrach (Boston University, Department of Family Medicine)

Rebecca Smith (UIUC, Department of Pathobiology and NCSA)

Caitlin Clarke ((UIUC, Department of Sociology)

November 11, 12 -1 PM

Syndemics refers to complex epidemics involving two types of adverse interaction – the clustering and interactions of two or more diseases or health conditions (the biological–biological interface)and social environmental factors (the biological–social interface). The theory has been widely applied in the fields of medicine, public health and anthropology. CGS and WGGP are proud to welcome four scholars who have been active in this new field of research.

Zoom Recording:

China’s Responsibility for COVID-19: Are Lawsuits the Answer?

Speaker: Chimène Keitner  (Professor of International Law, UC Hastings Law))

Respondent/discussant: Patrick Keenan (Professor at the College of Law, UIUC)

October 21, 12-1 PM

The U.S. response to the global pandemic has been distinctly unilateral, from its announced intention to withdraw from the World Health Organization to its decision not to participate in a WHO-led effort to collaborate on vaccine development. Among other strategies, some members of Congress have suggested that China should be held liable in U.S. courts for all of the harms caused in the United States by the continued spread of COVID-19. Multiple private plaintiffs, and two state attorneys general, have already filed suit, and argue that existing law permits their claims to go forward. Chimene Keitner, Professor of International Law and former Counselor on International Law at the U.S. Department of State, will join Professor Patrick Keenan to discuss these lawsuits and their implications for questions of state responsibility and state sovereignty in the contemporary international system.

Zoom Link: 

Speaker: Eric T. Freyfogle (UIUC College of Law)

October 14, 12-1 PM

Professor Freyfogle is the author or editor of a dozen books dealing with issues of humans and nature, some focused on legal aspects, others reaching to larger cultural and social issues.  In this talk he will explore why American legal and cultural systems of water use and ownership make it so difficult to face climate change and other environmental challenges.


Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 886 5330 5225
Password: 079267


Global Voices on the Pandemic

The University of Illinois is part of a global community including students, scholars, and artists. All of us are experiencing the pandemic in different ways shaped by culture, the situations of our societies, and our economic and political realities. At the centers and programs in the IGI, we have reached out to friends and colleagues around the world to ask them to share their experiences with us. Read their stories HERE.

Congratulations Ananya Tiwari for winning the Illinois Innovation Prize for $20,000! Ananya is the co-founder of the SwaTaleem Foundation. The SwaTaleem Foundation works with schools in the remotest and poorest parts of India and uses a human-centered design approach to understand and address their educational challenges. CGS is proud to support The SwaTaleem Foundation’s mission to fight child marriage in the vulnerable communities of India through our Global Intersections grant.



Read about The Illinois Innovation Prize and Ananya Tiwari here:

Read about Ananya’s project as well as our other Global Intersections projects here:


Dr. Jenny Amos, a CGS Advisory Board Member, is on a team led by The Grainger College of Engineering and Carle Health that has developed an emergency ventilator prototype that is aimed to aid patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. Read about RapidVent HERE.
Read about Dr. Jenny Amos HERE.

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The Center for Global Studies (CGS) office is closed temporarily in accordance with the University of Illinois guidelines set forth by the Chancellor. CGS is open and accessible online.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns:
Associate Director, Donna Tonini:
Director, Steve Witt:
Global Studies Librarian, Lynne Rudasill:
Office Manager, Melinda Porter:
Outreach and FLAS Coordinator, Tim Pollack:

Main phone number: (217)265-5186