Work day on technical topics

Thursday, February 25, 2016 (By Christy Panganiban)

With the introduction reports submitted by each of the three teams, the students have been focusing their attention on compiling individual reports on their assigned technical topics. The mission is to become the team expert on topics such as water pumping, sand filtration, latrines, activated carbon, and UV disinfection. For today’s class, students took advantage of the opportunity to work on and fine tune their technical reports. There is increasing excitement as teams approach sustainable solutions for safe water, sanitation, and energy.

Introduction Presentation Day

Tuesday, February 23, 2016 (By Namrata Logishetty)

Today was the Introduction Presentation Day, the home team went over their research for the travel team and the rest of the class. They explained the background information about the geography, demographics, politics, economy, health, sanitation, water infrastructure, and energy sources in Rwanda (Gihembe Refugee Camp). At the end of the presentation, the TA’s gave us feedback about the introduction presentation and provided us tips about what we can do to improve the presentation for next time.
In the next part of the class, Bernardo showed us the map using Google Earth of all the places that were visited during the trip to Rwanda.
For the rest of class, we sat in our teams and the travel team members spoke about their experience and what they did in Rwanda. Next the home team worked on the technical topics report while the travel team dispersed off to go work on their trip report.