Laboratory Work Presentations

Tuesday March 29th, 2016 (By Chenxi Jiang)

Just back from the spring break, the students all seem refresh themselves. The first hour of the class was the presentation of the summary for the lab work on the previous week, as well as the indication of the results for the design in Rwanda. The presentation was made up of three parts: Disinfection lab, Jar Test lab, Clinoptilolite lab. The three teams focused on different sites in Rwanda: Lake Rugezi, Nyamabuye Water Treatment Plant and Muhondo School and analyzing the results from the lab work greatly helped them to evaluate and design solutions for their respective target sites.

After a short break, the class was divided into three teams to discuss their design projects for Rwanda. The students discussed the main problems of the water treatment plant,  Lake Rugezi, and Muhondo School in Rwanda right now, trying to find a better solutions.