Doctoral thesis
Information Synthesis: A Mixed-Initiative Meta-Analytic Approach to Facilitate Knowledge Discovery from Scientific Text. Co- Advisors: Wanda Pratt (ICS & Medical Informatics) and Dennis Kibler (ICS) Committee: Michael Pazzani (ICS), Paul Dourish (ICS), and Catherine Carpenter (Medicine). Doctor of Philosophy in Information and Computer Science (ICS), Information Access and Management, University of California, Irvine (2003).
Books Edited or Co-Edited
- Grove, A., Sonnenwald, D.H., Harrison, L., Blake, C., Schlögl, C., Peters, I., Endler-Jobst, B., Cool, C., and Theng, Y. (Eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the 79th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark. New York: Wiley. ISBN: 0-87715-548-8.
- Blake, C., and Brown, C. (Eds.) (2019). Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Melbourne Australia, Volume 56. Somerset, NJ: Wiley. ISBN: 978-0-578-59118-6.
Chapters in Books
- +Blake, C. (2010). Text Mining. In Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 45(1): 123-155.
- Stanton, J., Palmer, C.L., Blake, C., and Allard, S. (2012) Chapter 6 – Interdisciplinary Data Science Education. In Xiao, N., and McEwen, LR. (Eds.) Special Issues in Data Management, American Chemical Society, 97-113.
- + Blake, C. (2015). Biological Responses to Chemical Exposure: Case studies in how to manage ostensible inconsistencies using the Claim Framework. In Inconsistency Robustness (Studies in Logic). Edited by Carl Hewitt and John Woods, Part 3, Chapter 6, 10 pages. May 20, 2015.
Journal Articles
- * @Blake, C., and Pratt, W. (2006). Collaborative Information Synthesis I: A Model of information behaviors of scientists in Medicine and Public Health. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(13):1740-1749. JASIST Best Paper Award
- * @Blake, C., and Pratt, W. (2006). Collaborative Information Synthesis II: Recommendations for information systems that support synthesis activities. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(14):1888-1895. JASIST Best Paper Award
- * West, S.L., Blake, C., Liu, Z., McKoy, J.N, Oertel, M.D., and Carey, T.S. (2009). Reflections on Using Electronic Health Record Data for Clinical Research. Health Informatics Journal, 15(2):108-121.
- * Blake, C. (2010). Beyond Genes, Proteins, and Abstracts: Identifying scientific claims from full-text biomedical articles. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 43(2):173-189.
- * +Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2015). A Syntactic Characterization of Authorship Style Surrounding Proper Names. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 30(1):53-70,
- * Blake, C., and +Lucic, A. (2015). An Automated Approach to Identify Endpoints to Support the Systematic Review Process. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 56:42-56,
- * +Zheng, W., and Blake, C. (2015). Using Distant Supervised Learning to Identify Protein Subcellular Localizations from Full-text Scientific Articles. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 57: 134–144.
- * +Gabb, H.A., and Blake, C. (2016). An Informatics Approach to Cumulative Chemical Exposures from Consumer Products: A case study of asthma-associated and potential endocrine disruptors. Environmental Health Perspectives, 124(8):1155-1165.
- * Rindflesch, T.C., Blake, C.L., Fiszman, M., Kilicoglu, H., Rosemblat, G., Schneider, J., and Zeiss, C.J. (2017). Informatics Support for Basic Research in Biomedicine. The ILAR Journal (Institute for Laboratory Animal Research), 58(1):80-89.
- * Blake, C., and Rindflesch, T. (2017). Leveraging Syntax to Better Capture the Semantics of Elliptical Coordinated Compound Noun Phrases. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 72:120-131.
- * Rindflesch, T.C., Blake, C., Cairelli, M.J., Fiszman, M., Zeiss, C.J., and Kilicoglu, H. (2018). Investigating the Role of Interleukin-1 Beta and Glutamate in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Epilepsy using Discovery Browsing. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, 9: article 25. 14 pages.
- * + Guo, G., Blake, C., and +Guan, Y. (2019). Evaluating Automated Entity Extraction with Respect to Drug and Non-Drug Treatment Strategies. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 9 pages.
- * Blake, C., and +Kehm, R. (2019). Comparing Breast Cancer Treatments Using Automatically Detected Surrogate and Clinically Relevant Outcomes Entities from Text. Journal of Biomedical Informatics: X, 1. 11 pages.
- * + Pence, J., + Farshadmanesh, P., + Kim, J., Blake, C., and Mohaghegh,Z. (2020). Data-theoretic Approach for Socio-technical Risk Analysis: Text mining licensee event reports of U.S. nuclear power plants. Safety Science. Special Issue: Safety Analytics. Vol 124. 21 pages.
- Blake C, Flaws JA (2021) Using semantics to scale up evidence-based chemical risk-assessments. PLoS ONE 16(12): e0260712.
- * Blake, C., Pratt, W., and Tengs, T. (2002). Automated Information Extraction and Analysis for Information Synthesis. Abstract in the Proceedings of the Annual American Medical Informatics Association Symposium (AMIA), San Antonio, TX. 1 page.
- * Blake, C (2004). A Text Mining Approach to Enable Detection of Candidate Risk Factors. In M. Fieschi and E.Coiera (Eds.), Abstract in Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics – Building High Performance Health Care Organizations(Medinfo), p1528, San Francisco, CA.
- * Pratt, W., Srinivasan, P., Smalheiser, N., and Blake, C. (2004). Mining the Literature to Promote Biomedical Discoveries, Panel at The 11th World Congress on Medical Informatics (Medinfo) – Building High Performance Health Care Organizations, San Francisco, CA.
- * + Luo, L., # West, D., Marchionini, G., and Blake, C. (2005). A Study of Annotations for a Consumer Health Portal. Abstract in the Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL), p388, Denver, CO.
- * Blake, C. (2005). The Shift from Information Retrieval to Synthesis, Panel at The First i-Conference of the i-school Community Bringing Disciplines to Confront Grand Challenges, State College, PA.
- * Blake, C., and # Anderson, C. (2005). The Shift from Information Retrieval to Synthesis, Panel at the The First i-Conference of the i-school Community Bringing Disciplines to Confront Grand Challenges, State College, PA.
- * Brown, C., Blake, C., # Rogers Brown, E. A., and Tenopir, C. (2006). How Chemists Are Really Finding and Using Information in Our Digital Environment, Panel, Proceedings of the 69th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), p38, Austin, TX.
- * Wildemuth, B.M., Blake, C.L., + Spurgin, K., + Oh, S., and + Zhang, Y. (2006). Patients’ Perspectives on Personal Health Records: An Assessment of Needs and Concerns, Abstract in Critical Issues in eHealth Research Conference: Toward Quality Patient Centered Care, Bethesda, MD.
- * # Kraus, S., Blake, C., and West, S.L. (2007). Information Extraction from Medical Notes, In K.A. Kuhn, J.R. Warren, and T.-Y. Leong (Eds.) Abstract in the Proceedings of the 12th World Congress on Health (Medical) Informatics– Building Sustainable Health Systems (MedInfo), p1662-4, Brisbane, Australia.
- * Blake, C., Nassar, N., and # Jones, R. (2007). Using Concepts and Entailment for Passage Retrieval from Biomedical Literature, Abstract at the 2007 Microsoft eScience Workshop at RENCI, Chapel Hill, NC.
- * + D’Ignazio, J., Blake, C., and Sonnenwald, D. (2009). Bridging between Scientific Disciplines: Educational Strategies to Meet the Challenge of Managing Information across the Sciences, Panel at the 72nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), November 6-11, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- * Stanton, J., Palmer, C., Blake, C., Farmer, L., and Allard, S. (2012). Brainstorming Data Science @iSchools, iConference 2012, Toronto, Canada.
- * Qin, J., Crowston, K. G., Lesk, M., Blake, C., and Mostafa, J., (2012). Data Science and Analytics: What Is in It for iSchools? Workshop panel at the iConference, Toronto, Canada.
- * Souden, M., Blake, C., Twidale, M., # Anderson, C. and Stelmack, J. (2015). Making Sense of Big Data: Online question answering practices supporting healthcare data re-use. 8th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation: Optimizing Personal and Population Health, December 14-15, Washington D.C.
- * Blake, C. (2017). Using the Claim Framework in a Mobile Environment, HCB3 2017 Online Conference, Health Communication: Barriers, Breakthroughs, and Best Practices, March 1-3, 2017
- * Souden, M., Stelmack, J., Paris, B., Khan, H., Kok, L., # Sethi, S., # Lee, J., # Aggarwal, A., Blake, C., and Twidale, M. (2019). Developing an Online Platform for a Suicide Prevention Community of Practice at the Department of Veterans Affairs. Informatics Summit, Bioinformatics, Clinical Research, Implementation, Data Science, March 25-29, San Francisco.
- Blake, C., and Flaws, J. (2019) Accelerating Chemical Assessments: A case study in automatic evidence extraction from text. Evidence Integration Workshop, Evidence Integration in Chemical Assessments: Challenges faced in developing and communicating human health effect conclusions, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, National Academies of Sciences, Washington, DC, June 3-4, 2019.
Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations
- * Blake, C., and Pratt, W. (2000). Multiple Categorization of Search Results: An Extension to Dynamic Categorization. In Proceedings of the Annual American Medical Informatics Association Symposium (AMIA), p81-85, Los Angeles, CA.
- * Blake, C., and Pratt, W. (2001). Better Rules Fewer Features: A Semantic Approach to Selecting Features from Text. In Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Data Mining Conference (IEEE-DM), p59-66, San Jose, CA.
- * Blake, C., and Pratt, W. (2002). A Semantic Approach to Identify Candidate Treatments from Existing Medical Literature. In Sanda M. Harabagiu and Vinay Chaudhri (Eds.) Mining Answers from Texts and Knowledge Bases: Papers from the 2002 Spring Symposium. Technical Report SS-02-06. American Association for Artificial Intelligence, p9-13, Menlo Park, CA.
- * Blake, C., and Pratt, W. (2002). Collaborative Information Synthesis. In Grove, A. (Ed.), In Proceedings of the 65th Annual Conference of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST), p44-56, Philadelphia, PA.
- * Blake, C. (2002). Information Synthesis: A Process Used by Scientists in Medicine and Public Health to Overcome Information Overload. In Doctoral Forum of the Fourth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science: Emerging Frameworks and Methods (CoLIS 4), Seattle, WA.
- * Blake, C. (2003). A Technique to Resolve Contradictory Answers. In M. Maybury (Ed.) New Directions in Question Answering, Papers from the AAAI Spring Symposium, Technical Report SS-03-07, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, p49-52, Stanford, CA.
- * Blake, C. (2005). Information Synthesis: A New Approach to Explore Secondary Information in Scientific Literature. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, p56-64, Denver, CO. (Paper acceptance rate 31%)
- * Blake, C., # West, D., # Luo, L. and Marchionini, G. (2005). Cataloging On-Line Health information: A Content Analysis of the NC Health Info Portal. In Proceedings of the Annual American Medical Informatics Association Symposium (AMIA), p56-60, Washington, DC. (Paper acceptance rate 37%)
- * Blake, C. (2006) A Comparison of Document, Sentence and Term Event Spaces. In Proceedings of the Joint 21st International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING) and the 44th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), p601-608, Sydney, Australia. (Paper acceptance rate 22.3%)
- * Blake, C., and # Randall, M. (2006). Scientific Discovery: A View from the Trenches, In Ljupco Todorovski, Nada Lavrac, Klaus P. Jantke (Eds.). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Discovery Science, 9th International Conference, p41-52, Barcelona, Spain. (Long paper acceptance rate 27%)
- * Blake, C., # Kampov, J., # Orphanides, A., # West, D., and # Lown, C. (2007). UNC-CH at DUC 2007: Query Expansion, Lexical Simplification, and Sentence Selection Strategies for Multi-Document Summarization, Presentation at Document Understanding Conference (DUC) 2007, 8 pages, Rochester, NY.
- * Blake,.C (2007). In Support of e-science – Shifting from Information Retrieval to Information Synthesis, Microsoft eScience Workshop at RENCI, Chapel Hill, NC.
- * Blake,C. (2007) The Role of Sentence Structure in Recognizing Textual Entailment. In Proceedings of the ACL-PASCAL Workshop on Textual Entailment and Paraphrasing, p101-106, Prague, Czech Republic.
- * Blake, C. (2008). Beyond Genes, Proteins, and Abstracts: A Framework to Capture Scientific Claims, Microsoft eScience Workshop, Indianapolis, IN.
- * Blake, C. (2008). Uncovering the Creative Processes in Chemistry: Implications for Discovery System Design, Symposium on Computational Approaches to Creativity in Science, Stanford, March 29–30.
- * + Zheng, W., and Blake, C. (2010). Automatic Extraction of Location Relations from Text. Poster iConference, p573-575, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA.
- * + Zheng, W., and Blake, C. (2010). Bootstrapping Location Relations from Text. In Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting, Oct, p1-9. Pittsburgh, PA.
- * Blake, C., + Zheng, W., # Painter, K., and # Weyerhaeuser, W. (2010). The Role of Semantics in Recognizing Textual Entailment. In Proceedings of the Text Analysis Conference, Recognizing Textual Entailment (RTE6), 6 pages, Gaithersburg, Maryland.
- * + Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2011). Comparing the Similarities and Differences between Two Translations. In Digital Humanities (DH 2011), July, p174-176, Palo Alto, CA.
- * , C., and + Zheng, W. (2011). In Search of Protein Locations. In Association for Computational Linguistics/Human Language Technology Conference (ACL/HLT), Proceedings of the Biological Natural Language Processing (BioNLP) Workshop, p101-102, Portland OR.
- * + Hoon Park, D., and Blake, C. (2012). Identifying Comparative Sentences in Full-text Scientific Articles. In Association for Computational Linguistics, Proceedings of the Workshop on Detecting Structure in Scholarly Discourse, July, p1-9, Jeju, South Korea.
- * + Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2012). Characterizing Authorship Style Using Linguistic Features. In Digital Humanities, July 19, 6 pages, Hamburg Germany.
- * Blake, C. (2012). Using Secondary Information to Inform Public Policy. In Internet, Politics, Policy, Big Data Big Challenges, Sept 20-21, 2012 UK.
- * +AbdelRahman, S.E., and Blake, C. (2012). UIUC_RuleBased: A Rule-based Human Interpretation System for Semantic Textual Similarity Task. In Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval), First Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics, Collocated with NAACL-HLT June 7-8, p536-542, Montreal, Canada
- * Blake, C., Stanton, J., and Saxenian, A. (2013). Filling the Workforce Gap in Data Science and Data Analytics, Workshop at the iConference, p1015-1016, Fort Worth TX.
- * Twidale, M., Blake, C., and Gant, J. (2013). Towards a Data Literate Citizenry. In iConference, p247-257, Fort Worth, TX.
- * + Ahmed, S., Blake, C., Williams, K., + Lenstra, N., and Liu, Q. (2013). Identifying Claims in Social Science Literature. Poster at iConference, p942-946, Fort Worth TX. Honorable mention
- * + Lee, J., and Blake, C. (2014). Information Integration: A case study of air quality in Chicago and St. Louis. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) October 31 – November 5, 4 pages, Seattle, WA.
- * Blake, C., and + Gabb, H. (2014). Parameter Tuning: Exposing the gap between data curation and effective data analytics. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), October 31 – November 5, 4 pages, Seattle, WA.
- * # Svetlozara, S., Cohen, D., and Blake, C. (2014). Exploring Cultural Differences in Language Usage: The Case of Negation. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), October 31 – November 5, 4 pages. Seattle, WA.
- * Blake, C., and + Guo, J. (2014). Information Behaviors at the Edge of Reason: The role of uncertainty, science, and culture on environmental policy. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), 4 pages, Seattle, WA.
- * Blake, C. (2014). Biological Responses to Chemical Exposure: Case studies in how to manage ostensible inconsistencies using the Claim Framework. In Inconsistency Robustness’14, Stanford University July 29-31. 10 pages.
- * + Sherman, G., Blake, C., and + Lee, J. (2015). Identifying Population Characteristics from Tables in Full Text Articles. In American Medical Informatics Association Symposium, Nov 14 – 18, San Francisco, CA.
- * + Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2015). Learning User-Defined, Domain-Specific Relations: A Situated Case Study and Evaluation in Plant Science. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, November 6-10, 12 pages, St. Louis, MO.
- * Blake, C., Souden, M., + Anderson, C.L., Twidale, M., and Stelmack, J.E. (2015). Online Question Answering Practices Supporting Healthcare Data Re-use. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T), November 6-10, 4 pages, St Louis, MO.
- * + Guo, J., Lu, Y., Mori, T., and Blake, C. (2015). Expert-Guided Contrastive Opinion Summarization for Controversial Issues. In 3rd International Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media, 24th International World Wide Web Conference, May 19th, p1105-1110, Florence.
- * Blake, C. (2015). Evidence-based Discovery, iConference, March 23-27, 8 pages, Newport Beach, CA. https:/
- * + Gabb, H., + Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2015). A Method to Automatically Identify the Results from Journal Articles, iConference, March 23-27, 10 pages, Newport Beach, CA.
- * + Evans, C., Diesner, J., and Blake, C. (2015). Email Data Analysis as an Alternate Lens into Historical Events, HASTAC Conference, May, Lansing, MI.
- * + Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2016). Preparing a Workforce to Effectively Reuse Data. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology, October 14-16, p1-10. Copenhagen, Denmark.
- * + Lucic, A., and Blake, C. (2016). Improving Endpoint Detection to Support Automated Systematic Reviews. In American Medical Informatics Association Symposium, Nov 12 – 16, p1900-1909, Chicago, IL.
- * + Gabb, H.A., and Blake, C. (2016), Factoring Near-field Chemical Exposure into Personalized Medicine. In American Medical Informatics Association Symposium, Nov 12 – 16, Chicago, IL.
- * Blake, C. (2019). Tracking Breast Cancer Survivorship over Time using the Claim Framework. Annual Symposium of the American Medical Informatics Association, 16-20, Washington, DC.
- * + Lee, J., Blake, C., and McInnes, B. (2019). Evaluating Ontology Coverage and Structure to Better Align Clinical Trials with Patients and vice versa. In Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Oct 19-23, p157-165, Melbourne Australia.
- * + Kim, J., Blake, C., and + Gabb, H. (2019). Empowering Citizens to Manage Their Chemical Exposures: Step 1 – Identify Ingredients in Consumer Products. In Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Oct 19-23, p436-440, Melbourne Australia.
- * Blake, C., + Kim, J., # Mathur, M., and # Aggarwal, A. (2019). A Gap Analysis of Survivorship Terminology: Knowledge Resources versus Literature Usage. In Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Oct 19-23, p612-614, Melbourne Australia.
- * + Kim, J., Blake, C., and Darch, P. (2019). Toward Computational Reproducibility: A Doctoral Student’s Story of Passing the Baton, Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Oct 19-23, p688-690, Melbourne Australia. - * Twidale, M., Blake, C. Souden, M., Stelmack, J., and + Kim, J. (2019). Repurposing: Another Essential R for Data Curation. In Proceedings of the 82nd ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Oct 19-23, p785-787, Melbourne Australia,
- + Blake, C (2020) Data Science at the iSchool, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. In Data Science Leadership Summit October 12-14,2020, Held online due to COVID
- + Yang, J., + Farshadmanesh, P., +Tatsuya, S., Pence, J., Reiani, S., Blake, C., and Mohaghegh,Z. (2020). Data-theoretic Equipping Machine Learning with Uncertainty Quantification to Update Probabilistic Risk Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants using NRC Licensee Event Reports 2020 ANS Virtual Winter Meeting, November 16–19, 2020
- # Fu, Y., Schneider,J. and Blake, C. (2021) Keystone Citations for Constructing Validity Chains among Research Papers. 1st International Workshop on Scientific Knowledge: Representation, Discovery, and Assessment (Sci-K 2021), Co-located with The Web Conf 2021, April 13, 2021, pp 451-455.
- Keefer, D. and Blake, C. (2021) The Reproducible Data Reuse (ReDaR) Framework to Capture and Assess Multiple Data Streams. Submitted to Proceedings of the 84the ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Oct 30-Nov 2, Salt Lake City, Utah,
- Keefer, D., and Blake, C. (In Press), Human-driven models: a case study of geologists as they engage with data for decision making, ASIST Annual Meeting, October 29-November 1, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Blake, C. , Sanfilippo, M., Sivan-Sevilla, I., Bashir, M., Vazquez, G. (In Press) Leveraging sociotechnical systems to empower the communities we serve., The 18th Annual Social Informatics Research Symposium and 4th Annual Information Ethics and Policy Workshop: Resilient Sociotechnical Systems for Social Good (SIG-SI and SIG-IEP), held concurrently with ASIS&T Annual Meeting, , October 29-November 1, Pittsburgh, PA.
Other – Research Activities Without Peer Review
- Blake, C. (1996). Data Access and Data Integrity in a Geographically Distributed Environment-‘Global Information Warehouse’. BHP TechNote BHPR/CP/N/029, Melbourne Research Laboratories, Australia.
- Blake, C. (1996). An Overview of Quinlan’s C4.5 Algorithm. BHP TechNote BHPR/CP/N/015, Melbourne Research Laboratories, Australia.
- Blake, C., and Merz, C. (1998). UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases, Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California at Irvine, CA.
- Blake, C., Keogh, E., and Merz, C. J. (1999). UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases. Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California at Irvine, CA.
- West, S., Liu, Z., McKoy, N., Oertel, M., Blake, C., Schwartz, B., Ochart, F., and Carey, T. (2007). Use of Electronic Medical Records and Administrative Claims Data for Assessing Type 2 Diabetes Care, UNC DEcIDE project report for Grant AHRQ 290-05-0040-1.
- Blake, C., Gasser, L., and Downie, S. (2011). Institutional Organizations that Foster Interdisciplinary Education and Research, Innovation Summit, University of Illinois, IL.
- Surbeck, E. and Blake.C (2014) The Impact of Ground Ozone on Asthma: A Case Study using Project Indicator in Champaign-Urbana Poster at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science Research Showcase, University of Illinois, IL, February 2014.
- Jenna Kim, Catherine Blake, Harsh Baberwal, Ben Chen, Xinyuan Chen, Xueying Cui, Siyu Duan, Anisha Jauhari, Ankit Katariya, Ziyi Kou, Haesook Ma, Shufan Ming, Baisheng Qiu, Alex Rosenberger, Lanyu Shang, Xiaolei Shao, Nikhil Satish Shenoy, Michael Steffen, Shraddha Tiwari, Qianqian Wang, Yanmeng Xin, Yash Yamsanwar (2021) Using Text Mining to Solve Real-world Problems: Student Projects for Fall 2021, Poster at the School of Information Sciences Research Showcase, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Champaign, IL, USA