Innovation Grand Rounds: Using NLP to harness exposome factors that impact cancer

I am looking forward to giving a talk tomorrow (Fri Oct 14,12-1) at the MSB Auditorium (Room 274)

Healthy People 2030 and the All of Us Program demonstrate how human health is influenced by factors beyond direct patient/physician interactions, sometimes referred to as the exposome. A prime example is the increasing number of chemicals humans are exposed to and their effect on our overall chemical load. Commonly used risk assessment methods do not scale quickly or easily to changing conditions, such as localized regulatory changes. In this talk, Professor Catherine Blake will describe an automated approach that combines semantics and sentence syntax to identify target outcomes for cancer risk assessments from chemical exposure. In contrast to prior methods, this system would change a user’s decision for 21 out of the 27 chemicals explored. She will also discuss how this approach can be used to characterize other factors in the exposome that impact cancer.