Frequently Asked Questions

Altgeld Hall on a spring day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Purpose of This Project

What is the purpose of the University of Illinois All Campus Climate Assessment Initiative?

The purpose of the University of Illinois All Campus Climate Assessment Initiative is to examine whether our university’s values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are reflected in the daily experiences of students, faculty, and staff. The assessment will begin with a diversity, equity and inclusion climate survey that will be administered during the Fall 2023 semester. Analyzing and understanding the responses to the Fall 2023 survey will allow us to better understand what is going well and the current challenges to creating a campus climate that is respectful and inclusive for all.

Why is the University of Illinois conducting this assessment?

The University’s Strategic Plan “The Next 150,” outlines that the campus will “conduct climate surveys at regular intervals and use the results to educate and improve the campus community.” The results of the Fall 2023 Campus Climate Survey will enable us to assess whether our diversity, equity and inclusion values are reflected in the daily experience of students, faculty and staff. Coordinating this diversity, equity, and inclusion campus climate survey in a scholarly and rigorous manner will enable us to gain insights into how various groups experience the campus climate and we will use future studies to assess longitudinal changes.

What is campus climate?

Campus climate reflects “community members’ attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and expectations around issues of race, ethnicity, and diversity.” [1] Though initially focused on understanding perceptions and experiences of minoritized students (women in STEM, students of color generally, and Black students in particular),[2] increasingly research on campus climate encompasses a multi-dimensional environmental perspective involving multiple groups (faculty, students, administrators, and staff) and aspects of difference, such as race/ethnicity, gender, sexuality, religion, ability status, and more.

[1] Hurtado, S., Griffin, K. A., Arellano, L., & Cuellar, M. (2008). Assessing the value of climate assessments: Progress and future directions. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 1(4), 204–221.

How will the results be used by the university to improve the campus climate?

The first step in improvement is having a better understanding of the climate. The Fall 2023 diversity, equity, and inclusion climate survey results will provide that information to begin conversations about next steps. A steering committee and four working groups have been charged to analyze the data, prepare reports for the university community, and develop best practices and next steps based on the findings of the survey results. Colleges and divisions will design and organize their action plans to address results from the survey. 

Why should I take this survey?

Your response to the survey can help both improve your experience at Illinois as well as that of your friends, students, and colleagues. This is an opportunity for all parts of the university to share their experience and help us assess whether our university’s values of diversity, equity, and inclusion are reflected in the daily experiences at Illinois. Every voice matters.

Is participation required?

No. Participation in this survey is not required. Participation in this survey is voluntary, but your participation is highly encouraged. Full participation provides the university with a more comprehensive understanding of community members’ perceptions and experiences at Illinois.

My college or unit just conducted a climate survey. Do I need to take this survey?

The Fall 2023 survey will be a census survey designed to take the temperature of our campus climate and help us assess whether our values of diversity, equity and inclusion are reflected in the daily experience of the university community. This will be a short survey that will take 15 minutes on average to complete.

One of the goals of this survey is to establish a baseline across all of the colleges and administrative units, so that we have a shared understanding of what we are doing well as a university, as well as areas where we need to improve. Your participation will add to a holistic understanding of perceptions and experiences across every college and unit at Illinois.

Who is leading this initiative at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign?

In Spring 2023, the All Campus Climate Assessment Executive Steering Committee was charged by Vice Chancellor Garrick to provide oversight of the campus climate work. In addition, a Leadership Team and Implementation Working Groups have been charged to guide students, faculty and staff, data analysis and communications. The working groups will identify approaches to increasing faculty, staff, and student participation on the survey and develop data-driven plans.

When will the results be shared with the university community? How will the results be shared?

We anticipate sharing the results of the survey with the university community in early Fall 2024. A primary report will be generated at the university level to share results for faculty, students (undergraduate and graduate), and staff. Secondary reports will also be generated at the academic or administrative college level. Only aggregated reports will be shared.

In any report generated from the campus climate assessment, we will report for groups only where 15 or more people are represented in a demographic group. For example, when the university generates a report for the School of Labor and Employee Relations, if there are fewer than 15 people in any group, the data will not be included in the aggregated college data report for LER. However, the data for this demographic will be reflected in the primary, all campus report for the entire university. This approach allows us to balance understanding the unique perspective of small demographic groups, while also safeguarding confidentiality and privacy.

I have a question or concern about my experiences at Illinois. Is there someone I can talk to?

If you would like to talk to someone about any questions or concerns you might have related to your experiences with campus climate, there are several offices at the University of Illinois you are encouraged to contact.

The Office for Access and Equity receives and addresses reports of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and retaliation involving university employees. OAE also provides workplace accommodations services, support for campus accessibility, training and policy guidance for search committees, and data on employee diversity.

Campus Belonging can assist with concerns about behavior that negatively affects a sense of belonging and inclusion on campus.

The Title IX Office provides oversight and support for the university’s comprehensive Title IX programs and initiatives under the Sexual Misconduct Policy. In addition, the Title IX Office staff also meets with students to discuss rights, resources, and assist with adjustments or accommodations based on pregnancy, childbirth, or related conditions.

More resources are available at

Data Confidentiality and Privacy

Is the survey confidential? How will the confidentiality of respondents be protected?

Yes. Your answers and personal information will be kept confidential and will be analyzed and only reported after being grouped together with other students, faculty, or staff. Your name or email address will not be linked to your responses, and no attempt will be made to identify any individual participant. Only aggregated reports will be disseminated, with no identifiable individual data. SoundRocket is administering this study for the University of Illinois and has been hired to safeguard your data.

I hold a unique identity or am a member of a small demographic group in my college or unit. How is the university ensuring that I am not identified in reports of the survey results?

To protect your privacy, no one at the University of Illinois will know who completes the Fall 2023 survey. However, we are very sensitive to the possibility that aggregated reports of survey data could unintentionally identify university community members who belong to unique or small demographic groups in their college or unit.

To overcome this challenge, in any report generated from the campus climate assessment, we will report for groups only where 15 or more people are represented in a demographic group. For example, when the university generates a report for the School of Labor and Employee Relations, if there are fewer than 15 people in any group, the data will not be included in the aggregated college data report for LER. However, the data for this demographic will be reflected in the primary, all campus report for the entire university. This approach allows us to balance understanding the unique perspective of small demographic groups, while also safeguarding confidentiality and privacy.

What kinds of demographic questions are asked in the survey?

To assess perceptions of the campus climate that pertain to your social identity, a series of specific demographic questions are asked including (but not limited to): race/ethnicity, gender identity, socioeconomic class background, sexual orientation/identity, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, religion or spiritual beliefs, and political opinions. You may skip any questions that you prefer not to answer.

Who will be collecting the survey data? Who is SoundRocket?

The University of Illinois has contracted with SoundRocket, a social science survey research firm located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, to help with the design of the survey instrument, collection of survey data, and data reporting.

SoundRocket develops and delivers innovative, science-guided survey methodologies and services to the global community of social science researchers and those who rely upon such research. More about SoundRocket.

Why use SoundRocket as a third-party survey provider?

Your privacy and confidentiality are important to us, thus we are using Soundrocket as a third-party survey provider where they will send the recruitment emails, will collect and store the data, and will provide Illinois with both reports and de-identified data. This will ensure confidentiality as the University of Illinois will not know if you participated and will not be able to identify you in any data SoundRocket shares with us. 

We also are using SoundRocket because of their in-depth experience and success in working with other institutions in conducting climate surveys. We are invested in conducting a quality climate survey, and SoundRocket will help us ensure we are using best-practices in all aspects of the project. We will build on the experience and expertise offered by SoundRocket to provide a safe and smooth campus climate survey process.

We also are using SoundRocket to enable data comparison among our participating peers in the Big Ten, including the University of Minnesota and Rutgers University. This is because we all will be using the same survey (i.e., the NCCS DEI Campus Climate Survey), and SoundRocket will be able to create reports that help us compare among our institutions.

What information has been shared with SoundRocket?

In order to totally separate the University of Illinois from knowing who participates, we needed to send SoundRocket some basic information to help with data collection. For all eligible students, staff, and faculty, the following information will be shared with SoundRocket:

  • First name, last name, and email address, to receive email invitation to the web survey
  • Student level: Undergraduate, Graduate, or Professional
  • Employee Classification: Faculty or Staff
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Sex
  • Primary College/Administrative College

No departmental data will be shared.

Did the Institutional Review Board (IRB) approve this study? Are ethical guidelines being followed for the study?

In order to ensure best ethical practice in all facets of survey design and administration, we have had experts in survey design and ethical research compliance on the steering committee, leadership team, and working groups.

The Steering Committee submitted our plans for this study to the IRB on July 21, 2023 to determine if formal IRB approval was needed. Because the purpose of the survey is to inform institutional practice and improvement, the Office for the Protection of Research Subjects (OPRS) determined the study was Non-Human Subject Research (NHSR) and we were issued a determination letter.

Will my professors, supervisor, or university leaders be able to see my responses?

No one besides SoundRocket will know who completed the survey. All responses will be stripped of any direct identifiers before it is shared with the university.

How to Take the Survey

How will the survey be administered?

You will receive an email from from SoundRocket’s Research Director, Higher Education Studies, Joshua Patterson at containing a link to the All Campus Climate survey the week of November 6, 2023. This survey link is unique to you. Please do not share it. Data collection will be completed through a web-based survey, with email invitations and reminders coming from SoundRocket. Employees are encouraged to complete the survey during work hours, which shall be considered compensated time. Paper surveys will be available for employees who do not have access to a computer during the day.

How long does the survey take?

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete on average, although the exact time will vary. You can choose to skip or not answer any of the questions, and you may stop your participation at any time.

Who will be able to participate in this study?

Every undergraduate and graduate student who is enrolled, and staff/faculty member who is employed and resides within the United States at the time of the survey will be eligible to participate. All respondents must be at least 18 years old to complete the questionnaire. Online students as well as remote employees who live in the United States are eligible to take this survey. To adhere to international privacy laws in China, the United Kingdom, and the European Union, we are limiting survey participation to students, faculty, and staff who are physically located in the US.

Can I take the survey from my smartphone or other mobile device?

Yes. The survey is optimized for the smaller screens of smartphones and other mobile devices. To take the survey on your smartphone, click on the link in the email from Joshua Patterson at in the email on your mobile device. That will open the survey in your mobile browser, where you can complete it. If you are interrupted while taking the survey and need to close your browser, you may click on the survey link again and pick up right where you left off.

If I am interrupted while taking the survey, will my answers be saved?

If you are interrupted while taking the survey and need to close your browser, you may click on the survey link again and pick up right where you left off.

Am I allowed to skip a question?

Yes, you can skip any question that you do not want to answer.

Are there any incentives for participating?

All survey participants will have a chance to receive an Amazon gift card worth up to $50, University of Illinois apparel, and other items for taking the time to complete the survey.

Data Collection and Use

What is the NCCS DEI Campus Climate Survey?

The National Campus Climate Survey (NCCS) is a web-based survey administered by SoundRocket (a social science survey research firm located in Ann Arbor, Michigan) that asks faculty, staff, and students about their perspectives on diversity, equity and inclusion at the institution. Specifically, it assesses:

  • Perceptions of the inclusiveness of the university community overall
  • Perceptions of individual employment and/or academic experiences
  • Perceptions of whether experiences and interactions were shaped by social identity
  • Perceptions of fair and equitable treatment

SoundRocket first collaborated with the University of Michigan to conduct a Climate Survey on Sexual Misconduct in 2015–16, then later a Climate Survey for Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. This collaboration has led to the development of their National Campus Climate Survey (NCCS) for higher education institutions. The NCCS is the survey our campus is using as part of a multi-institutional study with other Big Ten peers.

Why is this a multi-institutional study? Why is the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign participating in it?

The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is part of a multi-institutional initiative to conduct its 2023 campus climate assessment. The decision to join with other Big Ten universities was prompted by several factors including cost, data sharing, and efficiency. The peer institutions will also come together in creating a community of practice as we seek to respond to what is learned or observed from the assessments. This initiative is in conjunction with the University of Minnesota and Rutgers University systems.

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion began conversations with peer institutions in the Summer 2021 to explore the possibility of engaging more Big Ten institutions in assessing the campus climate and creating a community of practice to respond to what is gathered. In early Fall 2022, two other institutions (Rutgers University and the University of Minnesota Systems) decided to partner in this multi-institution initiative to better learn how students, staff and faculty experience the campus.

How will the data from the results be used?

Data from the Campus Climate survey will be used by the University to assess and improve its climate during the three years that this survey will be conducted. A leadership team has been charged to work with four different working groups with representatives of dozens of academic and administrative units to develop data-driven best practices to guide tangible improvement. Beginning in Fall 2024, academic colleges and administrative units will design and organize action plans to address results from the survey.

After three years, once the study is completed, only anonymous summaries of these data will be made available to eligible researchers by request for related studies to improve protocols, evaluate programs, assess policies, or provide background for future research on these topics.

How will the data be collected? Who will have access to the data?

Data collection will be completed through a web-based survey, with email invitations and reminders communications coming from SoundRocket. SoundRocket will have access to survey data submitted by respondents on behalf of the university for the duration of the survey. Once the survey session closes, SoundRocket will anonymize the survey response before sending it to the university.

Will the raw data be available for research purposes?

Initially, the raw data will be available to select data stewards in the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Student Affairs, Division of Management Information, Center for Innovation in Teaching & Learning, the Provost Office, and the Campus Climate Assessment Working Group. All data stewards will undergo data privacy training and sign Data Use Agreements prior to receiving the data. Data from the Campus Climate survey will be used only for institutional assessment and improvement initiatives for the first three years. Protocols will be developed for requesting data after three years have passed for individual research purposes.

What if I would like to learn more about SoundRocket or to speak with someone about this survey?

If you would like to speak to someone about this survey, please contact the SoundRocket survey team via email at or by phone at 734-­527-­2199.

What if I would like to speak with someone at my institution about this study?

If you would like to speak to someone at Illinois about this survey, please contact the University of Illinois Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion via email at or by phone at 217-300-9580.

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