Asterisks indicate UIUC *undergraduate or **graduate student co-authors
Please visit Google Scholar for the most up-to-date list of publications.
Terrill Sondag, E.E.*, T.E. Stewart Merrill**, J. Drnevich, J. Holmes, C.E. Cáceres, and L.R. Strickland**. 2023. Differential gene expression in Daphnia dentifera in response to a fungal pathogen. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10354
Lopez, L.K., M.H. Cortez, T.S. DeBlieux, I.A. Menel, B. O’Brien, C.E. Cáceres, S.R. Hall, and M.A. Duffy. 2023. A healthy but depleted herd: predators decrease prey disease and density. Ecology,
Walsman, J. M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, S.R. Hall. ‘Resistance is futile’: Weaker selection for resistance by abundant parasites increases prevalence and depresses host density. 2023. American Naturalist, in press (also on BioRxiv
Strickland, L.R.**, D. Windsor and C.E. Cáceres. 2022. Variation in contact chemical cues may mediate differential predator response in the color polymorphic tortoise beetle, Chelymorpha alternans. Ecological Entomology, 2022;1-12 DOI: 10.1111/een.13191
Stewart Merrill, T.E.**, C.E. Cáceres, S. Gray*, V.R. Laird*, Z.T. Schnitzler*, J.C. Buck. 2022. Timescale reverses the relationship between host density and infection risk. Proceedings B 289: 20221106
Cáceres, C.E., and T.E. Stewart Merrill**. 2022. The role of varying resources on Daphnia dentifera immune responses Fundamental and Applied Limnology DOI: 10.1127/fal/2022/1458
Emerson*, L.C., C.J. Holmes**, C.E. Cáceres. 2021. Prey choice by a freshwater copepod on larval Aedes mosquitoes in the presence of alternative prey. Journal of Vector Ecology 46:200-206
Rogalski, M., T.E. Stewart Merrill**, C. Gowler, C.E. Cáceres, M.A. Duffy. 2021. Context dependent host-symbiont interactions: shifts along the parasitism–mutualism continuum American Naturalist
Shaw, C.L., R. Bilich, B. O’Brien, C.E. Cáceres, S.R. Hall, T.Y. James, M.A. Duffy. 2021. Genotypic variation in an ecologically important parasite is associated with host species, lake, and spore size. Parasitology 148:1302-1312
Stewart Merrill, T.E.**, Z. Rapti and C.E. Cáceres. 2021. Host controls of within-host disease dynamics. American Naturalist 198:
Strickland, L.R.**, R.C. Fuller, D. Winsdor, and C.E. Cáceres. 2021. A potential role for overdominance in the maintenance of color variation in the Neotropical tortoise beetle, Chelymorpha alternans. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 34:779-791
Muturi, E.J., T.M. Njoroge, C. Dunlap, and C.E. Cáceres. 2021. Blood meal source and mixed blood-feeding influence gut bacterial community composition in Aedes aegypti. Parasites and Vectors 14:83
Stewart Merrill, T.E.**, S.R. Hall, C.E. Cáceres. 2020. Parasite exposure, host susceptibility, and the emergence of epidemics. Ecology, 102:e03245 (Winner of the Ecological Society of America Disease Ecology Section Best Paper Award, 2021)
Shaw, C.L., S.R. Hall, E.P. Overholt, C.E. Cáceres, C.E. Williamson, M.A. Duffy. 2020. Shedding light on environmentally transmitted parasites: lighter conditions within lakes restrict epidemic size. Ecology 101:10.1002/ecy.3168 (Winner of the Ecological Society of America Aquatic Ecology Section Thomas Frost, Award 2021)
Muturi, E.J., C. Dunlap and C.E. Cáceres. 2020. Microbial communities of container aquatic habitats shift in response to Culex restuans larvae. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96:fiaa112
Crawford, J.A.**, M. Schrader, S.R. Hall and C.E. Cáceres. 2020. Intraspecific variation in ability to exploit rich versus poor food quality is not explained by population persistence or seasonality. Oecologia 193:135–142
Holmes, C.J.**, Z. Rapti, J.H. Pantel, K.L. Schulz, C.E Cáceres. 2020. Patch centrality affects metapopulation dynamics in small freshwater pools. Theoretical Ecology 13:435-448
Holmes, C.J.** and C.E. Cáceres. 2020. Predation differentially structures immature mosquito populations in stormwater ponds. Ecological Entomology 45:97-108
Strauss, A.T. J.L. Hite, D.J. Civitello, M.S. Shocket, C.E. Cáceres and S.R. Hall. 2019. Genotypic covariation in mechanistic, non-linear components of parasite transmission. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286:20192164
Chin, T.A., C.E. Cáceres, M.E. Cristescu. 2019. Examining reproductive isolating barriers in Daphnia. BMC Evolutionary Biology 19:216
Rapti, Z., T.E. Stewart Merrill**, B. Mueller – Brennan*, J.H. Kavouras, and C.E. Cáceres. 2019. Indirect effects in a planktonic disease system. Theoretical Population Biology 130:132-142
Shocket, M.S., A. Magnante, M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, S.R. Hall. 2019. Can hot temperatures limit disease transmission? A test of mechanisms in a zooplankton-fungus system. Functional Ecology 33:2017-2029
Stewart Merrill, T.E.**, S.R. Hall, L. Merrill and C.E. Cáceres. 2019. Variation in immune defense shapes disease outcomes in laboratory and wild Daphnia. Integrative and Comparative Biology. 59:1203-1219
Stewart Merrill, T.E.** and C.E. Cáceres. 2018. Within-host complexity of a plankton-parasite interaction. Ecology 99:2864-2867 (cover article).
Shocket, M.S., D. Vergara, A.J. Sickbert, J.M. Walsman, A.T. Strauss, J.L. Hite, M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2018. Parasite rearing and infection temperatures jointly influence disease transmission and shape seasonality of epidemics. Ecology 99:2864-2867.
Shocket, M.S. A.T. Strauss, J.L. Hite, M. Šljivar, D.J. Civitello, M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2018. Temperature drives epidemics in a zooplankton-fungus disease system: a trait-driven approach points to transmission via host foraging. The American Naturalist 191:435-451 (Winner of the 2018 Student Paper Award from the American Naturalist).
Stewart, T.E.**, M.E. Torchin, and C.E. Cáceres. 2018. Invisible parasites and their implications for coexisting water fleas. Journal of Parasitology 104:101-105.
Strauss, A.T., A.M. Bowling, M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2018. Linking host traits, interactions with competitors, and disease: Mechanistic foundations for disease dilution.Functional Ecology, 32:1271-1279 (Winner of the 2018 Haldane Prize for Early Career Research). PDF
Strauss, A.T., J.L. Hite, M.S. Shocket,C.E. Cáceres, M.A. Duffy, and S.R. Hall. 2017. Rapid evolution rescues hosts from competition and disease but—despite a dilution effect—increases the density of infected hosts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B. 284: 20171970. PDF
Hite J.L., R. M. Penczykowski, M. S. Shocket, K. Griebel, A.T. Strauss, M. A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2017. Allocation, not male resistance, increases male frequency during epidemics: a case study in facultatively sexual hosts. Ecology 98: 2773–2783.
Strauss, A.T., M.S. Shocket, D.J. Civitello, J.L. Hite, R.M. Penczykowski, M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres and S.R. Hall. 2016. Habitat, predators, and hosts regulate disease in Daphnia through direct and indirect pathways. Ecological Monographs, 86:393-411. (Winner of the 2017 Ecological Society of America Aquatic Section Frost Award).
Holmes, C.J.**, J.H. Pantel, K.L. Schulz, and C.E. Cáceres. 2016. Initial genetic diversity enhances population establishment and alters genetic structuring in a newly established Daphnia metapopulation. Molecular Ecology, 25(15):3299-3308.
Holmes, C.J.**, S. Figary, K.L. Schulz, and C.E. Cáceres. 2016. Effects of diversity on community assembly in newly formed pond communities. Ecosphere, 7(7). PDF
Rapti, Z. and C.E. Cáceres. 2016. Effects of intrinsic and extrinsic host mortality on disease spread. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 78:235-253.
Hite, J.L., R.M. Penczykowski, M.S. Shocket, A.T. Strauss, P.A. Orlando, M.A. Duffy, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2016. Parasites destabilize host populations by shifting stage-structured interactions. Ecology, 97:439-449.
Strauss, A.T., D.J. Civitello, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2015. Success, failure and irrelevance of the dilution effect among competitors. Ecology Letters, 18:916-926.
Bara, J.J. Z. Rapti, C.E. Cáceres, and E.J. Muturi. 2015. Effects of larval competition on extrinsic incubation period and vectorial capacity of Aedes albopictus for dengue virus. PLoS One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0126703
Searle, C., J. Ochs, C.E. Cáceres, S. Chaing, N. Gerardo, S.R. Hall, M.A. Duffy. 2015. Plasticity, not genetic variation, drives infection success of a fungal parasite. Parasitology, 142(6):839-848.
Crawford, J.W.**, I. Redlinski*, C.F. Steiner, and C.E. Cáceres. 2015. Life-history evolution in a Daphnia ambigua population during community assembly. Journal of Plankton Research, 37(2):409-416.
Cáceres, C.E., G. Davis*, S. Duple*, S.R. Hall, A. Koss*, P. Lee* and Z. Rapti. 2014. Complex Daphnia interactions with parasites and competitors. Mathematical Biosciences 258:148-161.
Cáceres, C. E., A.J. Tessier, M.A. Duffy, and S.R. Hall. 2014. Disease in freshwater zooplankton: what have we learned and where are we going? Journal of Plankton Research: 1-8. PDF
Bertram, C. R., M. Pinkowski, S.R. Hall, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2013. Trait-mediated indirect effects, predators, and disease: test of a size-based model. Oecologia 173(3): 1023-1032. PDF
Allen, M.R., R.A. Thum, J.N. VanDyke, and C.E. Cáceres. 2012. Trait sorting in Daphnia colonising man-made lakes. Freshwater Biology 57:1813-1822. PDF Recommended by Faculty of 1000, Biology
Cristescu, M.E., A. Constantin**, D. Bock, C.E. Cáceres, and T.J. Crease. 2012. Speciation with gene flow and the genetics of habitat transitions. Molecular Ecology 21:1411-1422. PDF
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2012. A power-efficiency tradeoff in resource use alters epidemiological relationships. Ecology 93: 645-656. PDF
Overholt, E., S.R. Hall, C.E. Williamson, C. Meikle, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres.2012. Solar radiation decreases parasitism in Daphnia. Ecology Letters 15:47-54. PDF
Prior, N.H.*, Washington, C.N.*, Housley, J.N., Hall, S.R., Duffy, M.A., and C.E. Cáceres. 2011. Maternal effects and epidemiological traits in a planktonic host-parasite system. Evolutionary Ecology Research, 13:401-413.
Duffy, M.A., J.M. Housley, R.M. Penczykowski, C.E. Cáceres, and S.R. Hall. 2011. Unhealthy herds: indirect effects of predators enhance two drivers of disease spread. Functional Ecology, 25:945-953. PDF
Thomas, S.H., C. Bertram**, K. van Rensburg*, C.E. Cáceres and M.A. Duffy. 2011. Spatiotemporal dynamics of free-living stages of a bacterial parasite of zooplankton. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 63:265-272. PDF
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2011. Epidemic size determines population-level effects of fungal parasites on Daphnia hosts. Oecologia, 166:833-842. PDF
Allen, M.R.**, J. N. VanDyke, and C.E. Cáceres. 2011. Metacommunity assembly and sorting in newly formed lake communities. Ecology, 92:269-275. PDF
Colbourne, J.K., M.E. Pfrender, D. Gilbert, W.K. Thomas, A. Tucker, T.H. Oakley, S. Tokishita, A. Aerts, G. J. Arnold, M. Kumar Basu, D.J. Bauer, C.E. Cáceres, L. Carmel, C. Casola, J.-H. Choi, J.C. Detter, Q. Dong, S. Dusheyko, B.D. Eads, T. Fröhlich, K.A. Geiler-Samerotte, D. Gerlach, P. Hatcher, S. Jogdeo, Jeroen Krijgsveld, E. V. Kriventseva, D. Kültz, C. Laforsch, E. Lindquist, J. Lopez, J.R. Manak, J. Muller, J. Pangilinan, R. P. Patwardhan, S. Pitluck, E.J. Pritham, A. Rechtsteiner, M. Rho, I.B. Rogozin, O. Sakarya, A. Salamov, S. Schaack, H. Shapiro, Y. Shiga, C. Skalitzky, Z. Smith, A. Souvorov, W. Sung, Z. Tang, D. Tsuchiya, H. Tu, H. Vos, M. Wang, Y.I. Wolf, H. Yamagata, T. Yamada, Y. Ye, J.R. Shaw, J. Andrews, T. J. Crease, H. Tang, S.M. Lucas, H.M. Robertson, P. Bork, E.V. Koonin, E.M. Zdobnov, I.V. Grigoriev, M. Lynch, J.L. Boore. 2011. The ecoresponsive genome of Daphnia pulex. Science 331:555-561.
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, and C.E. Cáceres. 2010. Variation in resource acquisition and use among host clones creates key epidemiological tradeoffs. American Naturalist, 176:557-565. PDF
Allen, M.R.**, R.A. Thum and C.E. Cáceres. 2010. Does local adaptation to resources explain genetic differentiation among Daphnia populations? Molecular Ecology, 19: 3076-3087. PDF
Duffy, M.A., C.E. Cáceres, S.R. Hall, A.J. Tessier and A. Ives. 2010. Temporal, spatial and between-host comparisons of patterns of parasitism in lake zooplankton. Ecology, 91:3322-3331. PDF
Hall, S.R., R. Smyth**, C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, C.J. Knight*, S. MacIntyre, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2010. Why are Daphnia in some lakes sicker? Disease ecology, habitat structure, and the plankton. BioScience, 60:363-375. PDF
Cáceres, C.E., C. Hartway and K. Paczolt*. 2009. Inbreeding depression varies with investment in sex in a facultative parthenogen. Evolution, 63: 2474–2480. PDF
Cáceres, C.E., C.J. Knight*, and S.R. Hall. 2009. Predator spreaders: predation can enhance parasite success in a planktonic host-parasite system. Ecology, 90:2850–2858. PDF Recommended by Faculty of 1000, Biology
Hall, S.R., J.L. Simonis*, R.M. Nisbet, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2009. Resource ecology of virulence in a planktonic host-parasite system: an explanation using dynamic energy budgets. American Naturalist, 174:149-162.
Ayroles, J.F**, K. A. Hughes, K.C. Rowe**, M.M. Reedy, S.L. Rodriguez-Zas, J.M. Drnevich, C.E. Cáceres, and K. N. Paige. 2009. A genome-wide assessment of inbreeding depression: gene number, function and mode of action. Conservation Biology, 23:920-930.
Duffy, M.A., S.R. Hall, C.E. Cáceres, and A.R. Ives. 2009. Rapid evolution, seasonality, and the termination of parasite epidemics. Ecology 90:1441–1448. PDF
Hall, S.R., C.R. Becker, J.L. Simonis*, M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2009. Friendly competition: evidence for a dilution effect among competitors in a planktonic host-parasite system. Ecology, 90:791-801. PDF
Hall, S.R., C.M. Knight*, C.R. Becker, M.A. Duffy, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2009. Quality matters: food quality and the course of epidemics in planktonic host-parasite system. Ecology Letters, 12:118-128.
Cáceres, C.E., A.J. Tessier, A. Andreou*, and M.A. Duffy**. 2008. Stoichiometric relationships in vernal pond plankton communities. Freshwater Biology. 53:1291–1302.
Duffy, M.A.**, C.E. Brassil, S.R. Hall, A.J. Tessier, C.E. Cáceres, and J.K. Conner. 2008. Parasite-mediated disruptive selection in a natural Daphnia population. BMC Evolution, 8:80.
Hall, S.R., C. Becker, and C.E. Cáceres. 2007. Parasitic castration: a perspective from a model of dynamic energy budgets. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 47:295-309.
Storch, A.J.**, K.L. Schulz, C.E. Cáceres, P.M. Smyntek**, J.M. Dettmers, M.A. Teece. 2007. Consumption of the exotic zooplankton, Bythotrephes longimanus and Cercopagis pengoi, by alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) and rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordax) in three Laurentian Great Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 64: 1314-1328.
Agrawal, A.A., D.D. Ackerly, F. Adler, A.E. Arnold, C. Cáceres, D.F Doak, E. Post, P.J. Hudson, J. Maron, K.A. Mooney, M. Power, D. Schemske, J. Stachowicz, S. Strauss, M.G. Turner, and E. Werner. 2007. Filling key gaps in population and community ecology. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:145-152.
Steiner, C.F., C.E. Cáceres, S.D.P. Smith. 2007. Resurrecting the ghost of competition past with dormant zooplankton eggs. American Naturalist 169:416-422.
Hall, S.R., L. Sivars-Becker, C. Becker, M.A. Duffy**, A.J. Tessier, and C.E. Cáceres. 2007. Eating yourself sick: transmission of disease as a function of foraging ecology. Ecology Letters 10:207-218.
Cáceres, C.E., A.N. Christoff* and W.J. Boeing. 2007. Variation in ephippial buoyancy in Daphnia pulicaria. Freshwater Biology 52:313-318.
Hughes, K.A., J.F. Ayroles**, M. Reedy, J.M. Drnevich, K.C. Rowe**, C.E. Cáceres, K.N. Paige. 2006. Within-population variation in the transcriptome: cis versus trans regulation and dominance effects of alleles. Genetics 173:1347-1364.
Hall, S.R., A.J. Tessier , M.A. Duffy** , M. Huebner, C.E. Cáceres. 2006. Warmer does not have to mean sicker: temperature and predators can jointly drive timing of epidemics. Ecology 87:1684–1695.
Cáceres, C.E., S.R. Hall, M.A. Duffy**, A.J. Tessier, C. Helmle, S. MacIntyre. 2006. Physical structure of lakes constrains epidemics in Daphnia populations. Ecology 87:1438-1444.
Witt, A.M.**, J.M. Dettmers, and C.E. Cáceres. 2005. Cercopagis pengoi in southwestern Lake Michigan in four years following invasion. Journal of Great Lakes Research 31:245-252. PDF
Hall, S.R., M.A. Duffy**, A.J. Tessier and C.E. Cáceres. 2005. Spatial heterogeneity of daphniid parasitism within lakes. Oecologia 143:635-644. PDF
Hall, S.R., M.A. Duffy** and C.E. Cáceres. 2005 .Selective predation and productivity jointly drive complex behavior in host parasite systems. American Naturalist 165:70-81. PDF
Witt, A.M.** and C.E. Cáceres. 2004. Potential predator-prey relationships between Bythotrephes longimanus and Cercopagis pengoi in southwestern Lake Michigan. Journal of Great Lakes Research 30:519-527. PDF
Cáceres, C.E. and A. J. Tessier. 2004. Incidence of diapause varies among populations of Daphnia pulicaria. Oecologia. 141:425-431. PDF
Tessier, A.J. and C.E. Cáceres. 2004. Differentiation in sex investment by clones and populations of Daphnia. Ecology Letters 7:695-703. PDF
Graeb, B.D.S.**, J.M. Dettmers, D.H. Wahl and C.E. Cáceres. 2004. Fish size and prey availability affect growth, survival, prey selection, and foraging behavior of larval yellow perch. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:504-514.
Cáceres, C.E. and A. J. Tessier. 2004. To sink or swim: Variable diapause strategies among Daphnia species. Limnology and Oceanography 49:1333-1340.
Gerrish G.A**. and C.E. Cáceres. 2003. Genetic versus environmental influence on pigment variation in the ephippia of Daphnia pulicaria. Freshwater Biology 48:1971-1982.
Cáceres, C.E. and A.J. Tessier. 2003. How long to rest: the ecology of optimal dormancy and environmental constraint. Ecology 84:1189-1198. PDF
Cáceres, C.E. and D.A. Soluk. 2002. Blowing in the wind: a field test of overland dispersal and colonization by aquatic invertebrates. Oecologia 131:402-408.
Hairston, N.G., Jr., C.L. Holtmeier, W. Lampert, L.J. Weider, D.M. Post, J.M. Fischer, C.E. Cáceres, J.A. Fox, and U. Gaedke. 2001. Natural selection for grazer resistance to toxic cyanobacteria: Evolution of phenotypic plasticity? Evolution 55: 2203-2214. PDF
Cáceres, C.E. and M.S. Schwalbach. 2001. How well do laboratory experiments explain field patterns of zooplankton emergence? Freshwater Biology. 46:1179-1189.
Santer, B., E. Blohm-Sievers, C.E. Cáceres, and N.G. Hairston, Jr. 2000. Life-history variation in the coexisting freshwater copepods Eudiaptomus gracilis and Eudiaptomus graciloides. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 149:441-458.
Hairston, N.G., Jr., W. Lampert, C.E. Cáceres, C.L. Holtmeier, L.J. Weider, U. Gaedke, J.M. Fisher, J.A. Fox, and D.M. Post. 1999. Rapid evolution revealed by dormant eggs. Nature 401:446.
Cáceres, C.E. 1998. Interspecific variation in the abundance, production, and emergence of Daphnia diapausing eggs. Ecology 79:1699-1710. PDF
Cáceres, C.E. and N.G. Hairston, Jr. 1998. Benthic-pelagic coupling in planktonic crustaceans: the role of the benthos. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Special Issues Advancing Limnology 52:163-174.
Cáceres, C.E. 1998. Seasonal dynamics and interspecific competition in Oneida Lake Daphnia. Oecologia 115:233-244. PDF
Cáceres, C.E. 1997. Temporal variation, dormancy and coexistence: a field test of the storage effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 94:9171- 9175.
Cáceres, C.E. 1997. Dormancy in invertebrates. Invertebrate Biology 116:371-383.
Hairston, N.G., Jr., and C.E. Cáceres. 1996. Distribution of crustacean diapause: micro- and macroevolutionary pattern and process. Symposium on Diapause in the Crustacea: Developments in Hydrobiology. Hydrobiologia 320:27-44.
Lehman, J.T., and C.E. Cáceres. 1993. Food-web responses to species invasion by a predatory invertebrate: Bythotrephes in Lake Michigan. Limnology and Oceanography 38:879-891.
Book Chapters and Other Publications
2009 – Dodson, S.I., C.E. Cáceres, and D.C. Rogers. Cladocera and Other Branchiopoda. Thorp, J. H. and A. P. Covich (eds). Ecology and Classification of North American Freshwater Invertebrates. Third Edition. Academic Press
2008 – Hall, S.R., J.H. Brown, C.E. Cáceres, J.M. Chase, A.P. Dobson, R.D. Holt, C.G. Jones, K.D. Lafferty, S.E. Randolph, P. Rohani. Is infectious disease just another type of predator-prey interaction? Pp. 223-241 in R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, and V.T. Eviner (eds). Reciprocal interactions between ecosystems and disease. Princeton University Press.
2007 – Agrawal, A. A. D. D. Ackerly, F. Adler, A. E. Arnold, C. Cáceres, D. F. Doak, E. Post, P. Hudson, J. Maron, K. A. Mooney, M. Power, D. Schemske, J. Stachowicz, S. Strauss, M. G. Turner, and E. Werner. In support of observational studies – Reply. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 5:294-295.
2007 – Panov, V. E. and C.E. Cáceres. Role of diapause in dispersal of aquatic invertebrates. Pages 187-195 in V. R. Alekseev, B. De Stasio, and J. J. Gilbert (eds.), Diapause in Aquatic Invertebrates, Springer.
2005 – Cáceres, C.E., S.L. Mulvany*, K.A. Paczolt*, C.F. Steiner. Cladoceran community assembly in a recently created lake. Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie, Verhandlungen. 29:1020-1024
1990 – Cáceres, C.E. and J.T. Lehman. Spiny Tailed Bythotrephes: Its life history and effects on the Great Lakes. Michigan Sea Grant College Program. 7pp.