Marketing Management
Coursera: Marketing Management I & Marketing Management II
- Illinois Catalog BADM 520: Advanced Marketing
- Offered in Spring Term (Jan-May)
This course is part of the Value Chain Management Specialization.
Course Description
In this course, you will learn how businesses create value for customers. We will examine the process by which Marketing builds on a thorough understanding of buyer behavior to create value. You will learn the major elements of the value creation process. This involves three steps –segmenting the market to identify possible groups to serve, targeting a specific group to address,and determining the desired positioning in the mind of the selected customers. In addition to this first phase of the value creation process, we will also discuss how branding and product strategy aid in this process. This will enhance your understanding of how marketing works in the business world.
In this course, you will also complete a more detailed analysis of these elements in order to conduct a thorough strategic analysis of marketing opportunities and communicate marketing decisions.This will enable you to see “marketing in action” in the business world.
Course Goals and Objectives
- Define Marketing and understand its underlying rationale.
- Describe how Marketing creates value.
- Use different analytical frameworks to examine how managers solve business problems.
- Describe the nature of branding.
- Evaluate Brand extensions.
- List all elements of the Marketing Mix.
- Explain the role each element plays in creating value.
- Describe Product strategy.
- Explain how Price captures value.
- Evaluate the use of different Channels of Distribution by existing businesses.
- Critique Advertising execution.
- Create a persuasive Advertising piece.
- Develop a Marketing Plan proposal.
Topics of this course
- Module 1: Marketing Strategy
- Module 2: Segmentation Targeting Positioning
- Module 3: Branding
- Module 4: Product Strategy
- Module 5: Distribution (Place)
- Module 6: Pricing Strategy (Price)
- Module 7: Marketing Communication (Promotion)
- Module 8: Consumer Behavior
Course Materials
- Burnett, J. (2011). Introducing Marketing. [Adobe Digital Editions version]. Retrieved from
- Saylor Academy. (2010-2016). Principles of Marketing. [Adobe Digital Editions version]. Retrieved from
- There are required and supplemental readings assigned for each module of the course. As registered students of the University of IIlinois you can access these readings through the Illinois library databases for free.
- In addition to the MOOC readings, Illinois MBA students are assigned additional readings for each session. This course pack (including cases) is available for purchase on the Harvard Business School Publishing website using the following link:
Live Session Schedule (Tentative)
January 10th, 2017 – March 6th, 2017
Thursdays | 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM US Central Time |
- Lecture Videos.
- Readings.
- Quizzes.
- Peer-Reviewed Writitng Assignment.
- Individual Quizzes.
- Group Assignments.
- Mid-term and Final Exam
- Peer Evaluation.
- Live Sessions. with the instructors occur every week, on Thur 10AM or Thur 7PM.