Marketing in Digital World

Marketing in Digital World

This course is part of the Digital Marketing Specialization.

Course Description

New digital tools allow consumers to take a more active role in various marketing activities such as making their own products. Thus, the balance of power is shifting from firms to consumers. You will explore this new digital realm and discuss its revolutionary impact upon both firms and consumers. Managers will learn how to use these tools to strengthen their marketing efforts, while consumers will learn how to use these tools to enhance their consumption experience.

This course will review the foundations of marketing (i.e., production, promotion, placement, and price) and discuss how these foundations are being shifted by the rise of new digital tools. Our learning approach will be highly interactive; you will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of hands-on activities, such as offering new product ideas to Starbucks, making new entries in Wikipedia, and designing your own 3D printable products.

InstructorProf Rindfleisch

Professor Aric Rindfleisch
Department of Business Administration
College of Business
Instructor’s Profile

Coursera Profile

Course Goals and Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
  • Obtain a rich understanding of the foundation of marketing and how this foundation is being shifted due to the rise of new digital tools.
  • Apply critical thinking skills regarding the role of these digital tools and their impact upon both firms and consumers.
  • Learn several real-world examples of how these digital tools are being applied to enhance and enrich marketing activities.

Topics of this course

  • Module 1: Digital Tools for Developing Innovative New Products
  • Module 2: Digital Tools for Persuading Customers to Buy Your Products
  • Module 3: Digital Tools for Effectively Distributing Your Products
  • Module 4: Digital Tools for Setting the Right Prices for Your Products

Course Materials

Readings are assigned in each module. The required readings are from Harvard Business Review. You can open 5 free articles a month, or you can register and gain access to 15 free articles a month. Registration is free. We suggest that you register so you can access more articles from their website. Articles are ready for online reading, but a fee is charged for printing or downloading. You are not required to print or download for this course, just to access for online reading.

There are also some readings assigned from MIT Sloan Management Review. If you sign up for the site and subscribe, you will be able to read 3 free articles per month.

There is no required textbook used in this course. We suggest Understanding Digital Marketing: Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation by Damian Ryan (2014), but it is not required for this course.

Live Session Schedule (Tentative)

April 26th, 2017 – May 23rd, 2017

Wednesdays 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM US Central Time
Thursdays 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM US Central Time

Course Elements


  • Lecture Videos.
  • Practice Quizzes.
  • Module Exercises.
  • Case Discussions.
  • Module Quizzes.
  • Peer-Graded Writing Assignment.


  • Readings from Harvard Business Review and from MIT Sloan Management Review.
  • Individual Assignments.
  • Group Assignment.
  • Multimedia Presentation
  • Forum Discussion.
  • Live Sessions: with the instructors occur every week on Wed 11 am or Thur 6 pm CST.