
The Value of Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Past Climate


  • North hemisphere temperature data from climate model: data
  • Volcanism: data
  • Solar: data
  • CO2: data
  • 15 temperature series to generate synthetic tree rings – data
  • 10 composite temperature series to generate synthetic pollen – data
  • 5 composite temperature series to generate synthetic borehole profile – data
  • R code for 40 reconstructions correponding to Figure 5

Five models:

  • (T) Reconstruction using “oracle” proxy
  • (D) Reconstruction using tree-ring
  • (DP) Reconstruction using tree-ring and pollen
  • (DB) Reconstruction using tree-ring and borehole
  • (DBP) Reconstruction using tree-ring, pollen and borehole

R files for each of five models under 2^3 factorial designs:

(For each scenario, there is a Common R file that reads the data and define functions and is shared by five R files for each model)

Supplement Material (pdf)