I am Teaching Assistant Professor on a mission is to highlight and improve teaching in the MechSE Department, the Grainger College of Engineering, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and beyond! My interests range from mechanical engineering laboratory instruction to proliferating service learning in K–12 throughout my university. I am also an Entrepreneurial Mindset Fellow with the Academy for Excellence in Engineering Education. Read about my past and ongoing projects below. Contact me at bejohnso@illinois.edu if you would like to chat about my work or collaborate on a project.
Check back here regularly as I am rapidly adding content to this site.
I teach the following courses. Click on the links to read about the innovations that I have brought to each of these:
- ME 470: Senior Design Project (fall & spring semesters)
- TAM 195: Mechanics in the Modern World (fall semesters)
- TAM 252: Solid Mechanics Design (spring semesters)
- ENG 598 TL: Teaching and Leadership (fall & spring semesters)
As the Director of Undergraduate Instructional Laboratories, I manage and develop lab sessions in the following courses:
- TAM 335: Introductory Fluid Mechanics (fall, spring, & summer)
- ME 310: Fundamentals of Fluid Dynamics (fall & spring)
- ME 320: Heat Transfer (fall & spring)
I am extremely proud of the success of the ENG 598 TL course, and a recent innovation in that course has me equally excited. Read here about the Multi-Disciplinary Service Learning Ecosystem project.
Though my TAM 297: Independent Study course has resulted in delightful one-on-one teaching experiences between myself and some wonderful young Engineering Mechanics students, I consider the resulting articles works of service to my MechSE colleagues. Read more about that on my Colleague Interviews page.
Service as a faculty member may take many forms. To the department, college, and university I have served on numerous committees. Undergraduate Programs, Safety, Specialized Faculty Recruitment, Technology and Entrepreneurship Curriculum, Engineering Design Council, and the Grainger Library Head Search committees have all been great experiences where I have been privileged to work with excellent colleagues.
My cv can be downloaded here. It was last updated on Aug. 15, 2022.