We created BIOEhub to serve as a resource for Bioengineering students looking for advice and resources to better prepare for the future, whether in industry, graduate school, medical school, or whatever their interest is. We hope the experiences we have collected can help support students during the stressful and exciting years of undergrad. If you have any advice or experiences you would like to share, we would love to feature your story on the website! Just fill out the feedback form.
Meet the Team
Megha Agrawal
Anthony Chen
Hi! My name is Megha Agrawal and I’m an international student from India. I’m a Bioengineering major and on the Computational and Systems Biology track. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions to meghaa3@illinois.edu!
Vice President
Hello! My name is Anthony Chen, and I am a junior majoring in Bioengineering and minoring in Chemistry. I am currently on the Therapeutics track and am active in RSOs like BMES and GMT. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at ac83@illinois.edu!
Hannah Kapur
Hi! I am currently a sophomore in bioengineering pursuing a minor in chemistry and computer science. This is my first year as a part of BIOEhub and I look forward to keeping the BIOE community informed about everything our major has to offer! Outside of BIOEhub, I am involved with research at the IGB, the 23/24 BMES treasurer, and the Provost Student Undergraduate Advisory Board, and I love exploring Champaign/Urbana whenever I can.
Joseph Chan
Hi! My name is Joseph Chan and I am currently a sophomore studying Bioengineering on the Therapeutics track. Apart from BIOEHub, I am also involved in Engineers Without Borders, UICru, research projects with BMES and EOH, and undergraduate research at the Rao Research Group.
Sid Srikumar
Zach Cacini
Elisabeth Martin, Class of 2022
Raafae Zaki, Class of 2022
Vincent Lam, Class of 2023
Jackie Hagel, Class of 2023
Minh Nguyen, Class of 2023
Now Recruiting!
Do you want to gain leadership experience, meet students, faculty, and alumni, and write articles for the BIOEhub?