
Attention: If you add this course after January 16, please email Dr. Reck ASAP to get added to the course in Canvas to get details about the first week of lab.

Course Contact Information

Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Reck
Office: 3130 Everitt Lab
Email: rreck@illinois.edu
Office Hours: See the Course Help page on Canvas


Laboratory to accompany BIOE414.

Use of sensors and medical instrumentation for static and dynamic biological inputs. Measurement of biomedical signals.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of class, students will be able to…

  1. Analyze, design, and construct operational amplifier and instrumentation amplifier circuits to amplify biosignals.
  2. Analyze, design, and construct analog and digital filters to isolate biosignals from unwanted signals.
  3. Acquire and display electrical and biological signals on a computer using the appropriate hardware and software tools.
  4. Understand biosensor and electrode design and apply them for signal acquisition.
  5. Understand the limitations of instrumentation in terms of accuracy, resolution, precision, and reliability.
  6. Understand the origin of cardiac and muscle biosignals and acquire data using ECG and electromyogram electrodes.
  7. Describe the requirements and limitations of bioinstrumentation in the clinical environment.
  8. Function and interact cooperatively and efficiently as a team member in completing laboratory assignments.
  9. Present laboratory data in a written format.

Schedule and Location

Introduction Lecture

  • AL1: Mondays from 12:00 – 12:50 pm in 2310 Everitt Laboratory

Laboratory Sections

  • AB1: Mondays from 1:00 pm – 3:50 pm in 0201 Everitt Laboratory
  • AB4: Mondays from 4:00 – 6:50 pm in 0201 Everitt Laboratory
  • AB2: Wednesdays from noon – 2:50 pm in 0201 Everitt Laboratory
  • AB3: Wednesdays from 3:00 pm – 5:50 pm in 0201 Everitt Laboratory

Each student registered for BIOE415/ECE415 should be enrolled in the lecture section and one of the above laboratory sections.


To be successful in BIOE415/ECE415 you will need to have access to the following resources.

Required Textbook

  • Biomedical Instrumentation Lab Manual eText available from the Illini Union Bookstore

Required Software

  • Keysight BenchVue
  • MATLAB and Simulink
  • LabVIEW
  • TinkerCAD
  • Google Docs

Required Equipment

Each student will be required to bring the following equipment to complete each experiment:

  • Assorted electronic parts – refer to the complete list sent via email.

Optional Resources

  • Textbook: Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, 4th ed. John Webster (editor). (ISBN: 978-0-471-67600-3).
    Available in print, e-text, and on reserve in Grainger Engineering Library


Based on the following:

  • Lab experiments
  • Lab practical exam
  • Design your own experiment

Last updated: January 16, 2023