
Course Contact Information

Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Reck
Office: 3130 Everitt Lab
Email: rreck@illinois.edu
Office Hours: 

Teaching Assistant:

Course Grader:

Applicable semesters: Spring 2021, Fall 2020


Engineering aspects of the detection, acquisition, processing, and display of signals from living systems; biomedical sensors for measurements of biopotentials, ions and gases in aqueous solution, force, displacement, blood pressure, blood flow, heart sounds, respiration, and temperature; therapeutic and prosthetic devices; medical imaging instrumentation.

Expected Outcomes

By the end of class, students will be able to…

  1. Understand the limitations of instrumentation in terms of accuracy, resolution, precision, and reliability.
  2. Analyze and design operational amplifier and instrumentation amplifier circuits to amplify biosignals.
  3. Analyze and design filter circuits to filter unwanted signals from biosignals.
  4. Understand the origin of cardiac and muscle biosignals and how they are acquired using ECG and electromyogram electrodes.
  5. Understand electrode circuit models and how they affect signal acquisition.
  6. Understand the physical modes of operation of various biosensors (amperometric, enzymatic, optical, resistive, capacitive).
  7. Describe and compare methods and instrumentation needed to measure pressure and flow in the body.
  8. Determine and characterize the factors that limit medical imaging methods in biological tissue.
  9. Describe the requirements and limitations of bioinstrumentation in the clinical environment.
  10. Function and interact cooperatively and efficiently as a team member in completing a project.
  11. Present work in both written and oral reports.

Schedule and Location

  • Synchronous Meeting Times:
  • Asynchronous content:


Required textbook: Medical Instrumentation: Application and Design, 4th ed. John Webster (editor). (ISBN: 978-0-471-67600-3).
Available in print, e-text, and on reserve in Grainger Engineering Library

Last updated: January 17, 2021