Course Contact Information
Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Reck
Office: 3130 Everitt Lab
Office Hours: TBD
Teaching Assistant: Wenjie Liu,
- Manu Mehta,
- Lindsay Kwok,
Introduction to signals and linear systems with examples from biology and medicine. Linear systems and mathematical models of systems, including differential equations, convolution, Laplace transforms, Fourier series and transforms, and discrete representations. Class examples and coursework apply general techniques to problems in biological signal analysis, including circuits, enzyme kinematics, and physiological system analysis. Use of MATLAB and Simulink software to understand more complex systems.
Expected Outcomes
By the end of class, students will be able to…
- Understand the concepts of systems and signal representations.
- Use different mathematical tools to model physical and biomedical/biological phenomena and systems (i.e., differential equations, convolution, and signal transforms).
- Apply linear systems methods (i.e., convolution, Fourier analysis, and Laplace analysis) to characterize these models and calculate analytical solutions.
- Approximate biomedical signals with mathematical functions.
- Convert between time-domain, frequency-domain, and Laplace-domain representations of biomedical signals and systems and understand what can be learned from the representation.
- Understand the limits of different models and signal representations.
- Use MATLAB to find computational solutions to linear systems.
Schedule and Location
- Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10:00 – 10:50 am in 1302 Everitt Lab
To be successful in BIOE205 you will need to have access to the following resources.
Required Software
- MATLAB Grader
Required Textbook
- Textbook: Semmlow, J. (2018). Circuits, Signals and Systems for Bioengineers (3rd ed.). Academic Press.
Available in print or free download from Science Direct via the Grainger Engineering Library
Based on the following:
- Homework
- In-class activities
- Group Project
- Exams