Dr. Green-Miller teaches a section of ANSC215 focused on animal welfare judging, starting Fall 2021. The course is open to all students, regardless of their desire or intent to compete.
Dr. Green-Miller also coaches the team for the AVMA Animal Welfare Judging and Assessment Competition (https://awjac.org/), held annually in the fall. The UIUC team will include undergraduate, graduate, and veterinary students at any level and from any discipline.
Any UIUC student wishing to compete is strongly encouraged to prepare by taking ANSC215 for the fall semester. The UIUC team will be formed based on guidance from the competition rules (related to numbers of participants allowed, team/group size, etc.).
We will hold an internal competition to determine which students will represent the University of Illinois at the competition. For 2021, the internal competition will be held the week of October 15, and students will be selected and register by October 22.
Please email Dr. Green-Miller (angelag@illinois.edu) with interest or questions.
Past teams and awards:
2020 – held virtually
2021 – held at Colorado State University