Support Our Mission!

Make a Gift to Support Animal Welfare Education and Research!

Clicking the link below will take you away from the Animal Welfare and Environmental Systems Laboratory website to the University of Illinois Foundation site to complete your gift. Be sure to enter “AWES Lab – Green-Miller – ABE” into the bottom line.

You may also send payment by mail, and you will need to complete a document to complete and include with your gift. Download this PDF document that you can print and mail.


-Gifts are tax deductible

-Gift funds are discretionary and will be used for activities such as enhancing the educational experiences of students in the AWES Lab, offsetting experiment costs for otherwise unfunded topics, and recruiting and retaining excellent graduate students.

-Previously, discretionary funds in the AWES Lab have been used to support student travel to present research at professional conferences, undergraduate research in emerging project areas, and preliminary research studies.