Data and Demos

Data Sets

Massive Distributed Microphone Array Data Set

An open-access dataset of speech samples from 10 loudspeakers recorded by 160 microphones on wearable and speaker-like devices throughout a large, reverberant conference room. For more information, see our blog post about the data set.


Wearable Microphone Data Set

An open-access dataset of acoustic impulse responses measured at 160 positions on the body and various wearable accessories from 24 directions of arrival. For more information, see our blog post about the data set.



Cooperative Listening Enhancement

Demonstration of listening enhancement using distributed microphone array devices. The full room-scale array is used for source separation and the wearable devices are used for real-time listening enhancement. This demo accompanies our CAMSAP 2019 paper.

Deformable Microphone Array

Demonstration of source separation using a wearable microphone array on a moving human subject. The demo is for our WASPAA 2019 paper.


Asynchronous Source Separation

Demonstration of asynchronous source separation using hat-mounted microphone arrays on moving listeners. The algorithm is from our entry into SiSEC 2018 ASY and an IWAENC 2018 paper.