Consuming alcohol is staple requirement for being social in our society, from being included in daytime picnics, evening dinner outings, and parties late at night. On college campuses, it’s even more common to see a student walk down the street with a beer in their hand or go to happy hour before sunset to get drunk and forget about school. A lot of people who binge drink say that it helps them bond with their peers, feel happier and more relaxed, and provides something fun to do when things become boring. But is alcoholism really necessary to have in our lives? I often wonder if many people stop and think about the fact that alcohol, although not illegal to consume and purchase after being of age, is a drug that is dangerous when consumed in excess and can lead to bad side effects and eventually alcohol addiction.
Alcohol as a Drug
Like any other addiction to drugs, being hooked on alcohol brings serious repercussions to someone’s health and overall life. After consistent use, it causes a dependence with a strong need to drink, a loss of control from not being able to stop, physical dependence from withdrawal symptoms, and increases tolerance quickly so one needs to consume larger amounts of alcohol to achieve the same effect. What started out as casual drinking at first can often spiral into a binge drinking habit that causes problems at school, work, home, and leads to many social and legal problems.
On a college campus, I’ve witnessed many of my peers start their taste of alcohol with a few drinks here and there. Drinking alcohol is socially acceptable and doesn’t have the same stigma attached to it as addiction to drugs like marijuana or adderal. What seemed like a moderate activity grew into weekly wine nights, beers at happy hour, and vodka shots on weekends to celebrate just getting through the day. Rarely are those nights filled with alcohol ones to remember, as many people I’ve seen can black out, throw up from feeling sick, or even get lost wandering off with someone who they barely know.
A High Functioning Addict
Almost a fifth of all young adults who often consume alcohol are considered a highly functional addict. High functioning alcoholics are hard to find since they mask it easily. Some tell-tale signs of one, especially if they’re a student, is if that they use drinks to wind down after class or become more confident at social gatherings, drink by themselves at home, black out often, ever ran into problems with the campus police, often jokes about having an addiction online or in person, misses class repeatedly, or gets upset when confronted about their habits. Chronic drinking also leads to a negative change in how they look, act, and feel through their day. Although some high-functioning alcoholics might never experience severe problems, they need help as soon as possible as they could never live life to their full potential.
Getting Help
While suffering from alcoholism might feel embarrassing, getting help from a professional definitely isn’t. With enough perseverance and dedication, you can get treatment by seeking a local rehab center, talking to a counselor, or even attending an anonymous support group who can give you support. There, you’ll learn more about why alcohol is one of the most deadliest drugs out there to use and how to take the right steps to reverse its damage. It will also help you to practice discipline for yourself so you can avoid using poor judgment again in any situation that include alcohol.
Final Thoughts
The media and social norms around us are constantly showing a glamorized version of drinking more often than should be healthy. Be wise and stand out from the crowd by watching out for your health and future by not taking part in that activity, or think about waning your use if you already are. Completely stopping drug use can be difficult though, so seeking a counselor or treatment center with a one on one appointment can help you get on the right track.