Incorporating Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Health is part of our lives that is essential, yet unpredictable. Even though we think we’re living an active lifestyle and are eating right, sickness can still creep up out of nowhere. Inflammation is a potent issue that almost everyone struggles with at some point in their lifetime. While it does work to defend your body from disease and other types of bad infections, it can also lead to discomfort, more serious disease, and even weight gain over time.

In fact, common diseases like diabetes, heart disease, or irritable bowel syndrome can be traced back to having untreated and chronic inflammation. By addressing the built up inflammation in our bodies by incorporating tasty and nutritious anti-inflammatory foods, some symptoms you have can be reduced or even disappear. Let’s cover the best kinds of foods that contain anti-inflammatory properties!

Focus on healthy items to fight chronic inflammation.
Focus on healthy items to fight chronic inflammation.

What Are Anti-Inflammatory Foods?

Whenever we experience inflammation, our immune system is coming into action by providing plenty of white blood cells to areas of concern for treatment. For example, if we accidentally trip and scrape your knee, the skin around the cut usually becomes warm and slightly puffy after a few minutes. This represents inflammation as a normal and healthy response to keep us functioning strong.

However, if our immune system goes overboard and starts attacking body tissues that are healthy, people start to see disorders like fibromyalgia, celiac disease, asthma, and even diabetes as critical pathways become irritated. While diet isn’t a magical fix to dealing with the symptoms of these issues, patients in a 2014 medical study did find that they were able to stop using at least one of their medications after eating anti-inflammatory foods. With that in mind, it doesn’t hurt to learn about what kinds of foods will keep your body healthy and prevent you from depending on an addictive or costly substance.

To start moving toward an anti-inflammatory diet and anti-inflammatory foods in general, we are mainly avoiding foods that are overly processed in factories and contain loads of scary chemicals. Many doctors suggest following the eating patterns of the Mediterranean diet, which is made up of various fresh fruits, protein rich fish, and fiber abundant vegetables. It contains little to no red meat, absolutely no chemicals or meat additives, and a healthy dose of omega-3 fatty acids that aid digestion and heart health.

What Else Is Anti-Inflammatory?

  1. Put down the Smoothie King shake and reach for fresh berries instead! Whether you’re eating strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries, each serving contains a large dose of vitamin C and have compounds that have anti-inflammatory effects. In one study, overweight men and women were instructed to eat strawberries for a controlled period of time. After the studies were over, they displayed significantly lower levels of certain inflammatory markers that are associated with heart disease. If that’s not a sign to start eating these fruits, then I don’t know what is!
  2. Eat your fatty fish.Fatty fish.are a great source of protein and the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA which significantly reduces levels of inflammation. Chronic inflammation patients swear by eating at least a few servings a week for the nutrition it provides. Go for the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, sardines, herring, mackerel, or anchovies. These are great to incorporate into tasty stir fry recipes, grilled or baked dishes, and savory snacks throughout the day.
  3. Remember how much you hated vegetables as a kid? It’s time to bring back broccoli into your diet if you want anti-inflammatory effects.Broccoli and its close relative cauliflower are great for decreasing the risk of heart disease with its antioxidants. Broccoli is especially rich in the antioxidant sulforaphane,  which fights signs of inflammation by reducing your levels of cytokines and NF-kB which spark inflammatory effects in your body.
  4. It’s a great time to be a millennial because avocados are the next superfood on our anti-inflammatory list. Avocados are packed with extremely high levels of potassium, magnesium, fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats which will keep you full throughout the day. It also contains carotenoids which are linked to reducing your risk of cancer and inflammation within younger skin cells. Avocados are a tasty addition to any colorful salad, breakfast sandwich or burrito, mid-day snack, and even serves as a great substitute for butter in dessert recipes. Explore what amazing dishes are out there!
  5. Drink up with some tasty green tea. You’ve probably already heard that green tea is one of the best beverages you can drink, and the opinion is completely correct! Green tea is a great anti-inflammatory option and significantly reducing your risk of obesity, heart disease, and cancer. With lots of antioxidants to offer, it contains a special substance named epigallocatechin-3-gallate and prevents damage to the fatty acids that reside in your cells. What’s even better is that it’s great to improving your skin and digestion health as well if you drink it every day. Brew it out or add a splash of skim milk for a tasty iced beverage when you’re thirsty!

Follow An Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Following a diet that prevents inflammation might be hard at first, but the long term benefits are worth the initial struggle. Sometimes it’s easier to gain the advice of experts, such as pathologists and doctors who specialize in functional medicine, who know exactly how to incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your lifestyle. Make sure to look up what resources are available, especially if you’ve been suffering from inflammatory issues or diseases that root from chronic inflammation. Having a professional’s opinion is always worth the investment if you truly care about your body!

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